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Tag: woman

Androgyny: back to the future?

Psychological androgyny Have you ever looked at a passerby and wondered if it was a man or a woman? I'm sure it's happened. If you...

The Age of Woman

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin will give up her chair for one day to 16-year-old Aava Murto in honor of International Girls' Day, which...

Who needs family values?

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson brought up a painful topic about the cause of crime on America's streets. In his opinion, children growing...

Family as a profession?

The media talk about the crisis in society almost daily. It affected not only the economic and financial spheres of society, but also penetrated...

What is the threat to the world from a dramatic drop...

Usually people are afraid of too much growth in the world's population. They fear that there won't be enough natural resources - water, food,...


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