Androgyny: back to the future?

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Psychological androgyny

Have you ever looked at a passerby and wondered if it was a man or a woman? I’m sure it’s happened. If you look at girls and guys sixteen years old and not only, we see a massive passion for the direction, style, primarily in clothing, which is called the word unisex. Relaxed gait, loose knee-length sweater, skinny jeans and sneakers. Young men hanging around on the street? A young couple – a guy and a girl? Or two girls at all? Who knows, because we can’t tell the gender of today’s youth by their clothing. Today’s teenagers of both sexes are relatively amenable to fashion trends.

The main feature of the unisex style is a complete, emphasized lack of signs indicating the gender of their owner, that is, the appearance is made androgynous features. Unisex is a gift for fashion designers. Expressions of this style are now very much in demand in the fashion industry, as they can look like both men and women. This is very convenient for modeling clothes, and for the sale of them. It seems that ignoring sexual restrictions in clothing is not an attempt to shock, but a way of life. But soon these young people will graduate and go to work with a formal dress code – how will this trend develop further?

Nowadays, clothing has become an expression of psychological androgyny. Mental androgyny manifested in the desire of women to resemble men, and not just in clothes: what’s just a female boxing or wrestling! Some men do not lag behind, deliberately emphasizing a certain femininity and beauty. More recently, floral prints, transparent chiffon and lace have moved into the men’s closet.

In the religious mythology of many nations it is mentioned that the first man was created androgynous and was only later divided into a man and a woman. It is interesting that Plato, in his dialogues “Peer”, tells the myth of androgynes – the ancestors of people combining sexual characteristics. N. Berdyaev notes a similar concept in ancient teachings: “Man deserves this name only insofar as he combines man and woman, both beginnings. And originally he was created androgynous”. In fact, even today each of us carries in himself, in his character, the traits of both men and women with the predominance of the traits of one of the sexes.


Is the desire for gender unification accidental?


The style of “unisex” (unisex; also “unisex”) appeared, apparently, as a result of changes in male and female roles in modern society. Let’s talk a little bit about the changing role of women in society. Conversations about what a woman should be like are very controversial. Some say that a woman should be weak, while others, on the contrary, believe that she should be strong and self-sufficient.

In the recent past, it was believed that a woman should serve her children, her husband, and she was responsible for order in the home. In short, “the weather in the house” is a woman’s responsibility. The woman could rarely express herself outside of her home, and that did not add to her happiness. Therefore, the unhappy mother passed on the script of unhappiness to her children. It is the way nature has arranged it, that children copy the scenarios of their behavior from their environment. Now, however, circumstances are such that a woman has to take over at least part of the responsibility for providing the family with money. That means taking care of your profession, your job, your earnings.

As her role changes, her self-image also changes: she becomes independent, firm and confident that she can do all the things a man can do. Femininity has become synonymous with stupidity and infantilism. And pursuing everything yourself is considered the only possible way to live a decent and proper life. One should be solely a person, but not a woman. It is forgotten that women have a special kind of mind, that she is endowed with wisdom and heightened intuition, premonition. After all, she is the only one destined to give birth, and a child cannot grow up to be complete if she feels a lack of personal attention from her mother.

As we can see, the pendulum of the characteristic of what a woman should be, swung in the sharp opposite direction. Margaret Thatcher summed it up succinctly but eloquently:“You want something said, ask a man. You want something done, ask a woman. As always, the truth is somewhere between the poles.


The shift in the usual gender role applies to men as well. The stereotype of the male breadwinner as well as the female homemaker has long since ceased to work; spouses have become equal partners. Perceptions of masculinity are also undergoing changes, freeing themselves from previous stereotypes. Not long ago, a “real man” was not supposed to show his emotions. He does not cry, rarely talks about his feelings, but expresses them in deeds. To be a man is, above all, “not to be a sissy,” that is, to reject the feminine component of one’s personality. He is distinguished by his responsibility, the ability to admit mistakes and responsibility for those he has taken under his wing.

The modern man is actively involved in family life and takes his role as a father more seriously than ever. More and more men are reducing their workloads to spend more time at home. They establish a trusting relationship with their children from the first years of their lives, whereas previously the care of a young child was considered the sole responsibility of the mother.

Nowadays, men have gained the right to be more emotional and even to be weak, or rather, to be weak in what used to be considered a weakness. He takes care of his appearance and enjoys shopping. An important attribute of masculinity today is independence and respect for friends. They are followed by financial stability, attractiveness and an active sex life. It was commonly believed that when a man and a woman came together, the man should make the first move. Now it wouldn’t surprise anyone if that proverbial first step was taken by a woman.

The peculiarities of the shift in gender roles could be continued, but from the above facts we can already see a tendency towards their convergence. From this follows the non-randomness of the appearance of unisex style. There’s something new and appealing about a generation that doesn’t judge its peers by things. What is this new generation of men and women like? What will they become?

Will we become androgenic creatures? Or will we be intelligent, receptive, creative, cheerful people, each with their own personality and zest? Perhaps the future man will not think more about himself brutally, but about his inner world, and because of this will be able to open up more fully. The men don’t always feel confident today, but on the whole they are doing quite well!

Women, on the other hand, having won the right to happiness, realized that to exercise this right, they needed a man by their side. Ready to understand and support. A well-established and multifaceted one. Responsible and capable of making decisions.

We are living in a difficult period of transition. Every moment in life changes it into “before” and “after,” but everything always happens in time and by the way, believe me. Even though we sometimes don’t understand it and don’t accept it. Let’s try to have confidence in what is happening, in what is changing, and then, I’m sure, fate will bring unexpected gifts. Let us not forget that every turning point in life is a step forward.

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