Who needs family values?

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Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson brought up a painful topic about the cause of crime on America’s streets.

In his opinion, children growing up without a father, in incomplete families, do not receive the right values of family and society. They are unable to think about the feelings of others, they lack such concepts as caring, tolerance, support, empathy, understanding, community. They are deprived of good example and feel no love or importance from their families and surroundings.

The first iconic figure for boys from such segments of society is the policeman. Representatives of such structures, more often than not, act from a position of strength, performing punitive functions. No one is willing to care for and raise children off the street long-term. They are simply suppressed and punished.

The minister rejected the congressional view that the crime and disorder situation was due to hunger and poverty. He himself grew up in a low-income society, but according to him, young people never behaved this way before. And today it has become politically incorrect and cynical to talk about family values, because the family as a system simply ceases to exist.

The collapse of the institution of the family and the substitution of a wholesome upbringing for the values of the consumer society have led to a profound degradation of society. We need a set of measures, a completely new method of education, both for adults and children.

In the CIS countries, in Eastern diasporas, and in European families living in small towns, there is still a continuity of generations and family values. And yet, in all walks of life and in all countries of the world, attitudes toward the traditional family have changed dramatically.

Until there is a critical mass of conscious, educated parents, the state and public organizations must take care of the rising generation. Children should be gathered into small groups, where they will engage in sports and socially useful work, expending their bubbling energy. But the main thing is that in this way they will begin to learn a new integral methodology of relationships in society. This will take place through discussions, brainstorming sessions, team games, creating social projects, theatrical productions, filming video productions, and creating media materials. It takes a trained army of moderators and integrators to lead kids on this course.

It is necessary to raise the role of women in today’s society, which has been neglected for a long time. The woman is a major part of the family and society because she builds the new matter from which the new generation comes. It gives new life, forming a new humanity. A woman needs to start worrying about making sure that her children receive proper material and spiritual care. All perception of the world around the child receives in the home, through the language of the mother, her tastes, her views of the world. A woman at a deep level has the right attitude toward life, toward children, toward people. Nature herself shows us that all nurture in the animal world comes through the female.

We understand that men and women need to look at the world through the prism of an integral, holistic view. That is when they will discover new values for all areas of life.

Society is at a point where everyone, adults, children, men, women, rich and poor, scientists and philistines alike, must learn and change their paradigm of life at the same time. Everyone has to zero in and start moving forward in a whole new environment, helping each other.


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