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The role of the media in promoting global unity

In an era where media oversaturation is an undeniable part of everyday life, the question of its influence and role in society has become...

Word of the Year

When we were young, we used to like to play "Believe it or not." One of the participants had to tell a story and...

How to improve the situation in the world?

Our world is deeply interconnected. Each individual, community and nation is part of a larger, integrated system. The problems we face, whether environmental, social...

How to make sense of a chaotic world

In the Western world, almost everyone is connected to sources of information that report on what's going on in the world and help make...

A question of humanity

I am writing for those who are interested in the question of humanity. Today the world is beginning to wake up. People say one...

How we react to what’s going on

30% is what happens to us 70% is how we respond to it If you, like me, find yourself in a vacuum of information...

How to avoid zombification?

Zombification is the transformation of a person into a zombie - an obedient executor of someone else's will. Television, radio or the Internet can...

Haiti – evidence of human apathy

Almost three months ago, on August 14, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. According to official UN figures, more than 2,200 people died from...

What is the impact of the media on society?

What is the impact of the media on society? Why is this question relevant today? An extensive study of depression by the Oxford...

“The Crown. Doctor’s confession

Against the backdrop of the crown pandemic, I caught a cold. My son spent a week with friends in New York. The whole company...


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