How to Save America


I am a simple family physician in America, rooting for the health of my patients and all of America. I understand the impending problem, but there’s nothing I can do.

Today America has come to a state of civil war. It’s bad for everyone. Everyone keeps fighting, hitting each other, moving up the bones, in spite of the screams and pain of others. America has split specifically into two camps: Democrats and Republicans. Within this division are many divisions based on race, wealth, views on the same issue, such as education, health care, the legal system, and finally the question of government in the country.

All these contradictions are at the top, among those who govern the people. They, in turn, broadcast these ideas to the population through the media, zombifying them and inciting enmity. The degree of confrontation in America today is higher than before September 11, 2001. Everyone knows what it led to and how many lives we still mourn.

What awaits us is nothing compared to anything that has gone before in American history. The Civil War today is different from the Civil War of 1861. There are many more weapons of destruction today, and we may reach a state of our own destruction. We don’t need an enemy from the outside. We can do it on our own to destroy America.

Before the 2020 elections, is there a way out? It would seem not, since. Those at the helm of the country will not hear us. They care about their ambition, money, and power.

The people are zombified by the media and are trying to survive or are being taken advantage of by various structures that pursue their own goals of profit. Thus went the wave of looting and destruction. People buy guns in the hope of shooting off and saving themselves. There are forces behind this that need it and benefit from it.

Let’s figure out what these forces are and what the solution is-peaceful rather than leading to self-destruction. Whoever hears, he hears.

The war never resulted in victory in the end. As we scroll forward in history, we see that for any victorious country, even after conquering another state, war is not the answer. Where are the empires that ruled Europe for many years now? Everything is redesigned in a new way. We understand from history that war is not the answer, but then what is?

The answer is. Association on a mutually beneficial basis. That’s right. There is parasitism, when one organism lives at the expense of another. There is also symbiosis, where everyone wins in the interaction. This is how plants produce oxygen and feed off the carbon dioxide that animals produce.

This coronavirus epidemic has exposed the parasitic elements of society, where one profits from the other. Okay. Revealed. No need to go to war. We need to fix that.

If only we understood and felt how much we are one organism, including all people with all their contradictions and differences! We are also one with nature, with animals, plants and planet Earth.

Our selfishness pushes us to ruin everything. Is it reasonable? Imagine that the right hand wants to get rid of the left leg. The axe is at the ready. Snap! – No leg. Does it make it easier for the right hand? Now the man cannot walk. We don’t feel each other’s pain. We are fooled and anesthetized.

Governments will never make people happy. That’s not their job. They profit and enable us, contrary to the animosity they foment between us, a sense that each of us must stand up for what is right. Our task is to understand that we are one.

My six-year-old son can only hate someone if I pass it on to him. And if I convey that we are one and, regardless of our differences, can live together and enjoy it, he will grow up to be an integral boy. He will respect everyone around him and understand that difference is not a competition, but an addition. There is a strong but shallow man, and then there is a smart but squishy one. We can oppose, or we can add up. Which is better for both?

In order not to perish, we cannot wait for the results of the election. Our role today is to unite over all our differences and contradictions for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

A simple action is to smile at your neighbor and talk to him. Smile at the passerby and talk to him. We have to start somewhere. We need to connect with good ties. There is no time to wait for instructions from the government. Goodness comes from below, from us, the common people of America.

I am a doctor, and I promise to personally begin my journey to unite America. Seeing everyone around you as part of yourself. The first step, but we have to do it together.

Good health and a glorious life to all! – instead of suffering.

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