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Tag: Coronavirus

The global turbulence of the travel industry

Remember the days when travel was relaxing and exciting? In recent weeks, those memories have been overshadowed by the chaos at airports around the...

Canada – Freedom Convoy

The pandemic is annoying As a doctor and a citizen of planet Earth, I am shocked at what is happening with the pandemic. A sea...

Health 2022. No diseases?

Are there diseases? In 40 years of medical practice, I have seen as many diseases as the average person can't even imagine. There's genetics, and...

The Man Behind the Mask

One of the most noticeable features of the stubborn pandemic is the need to wear masks. But this requirement means more than just protecting...

Insanity is a losing strategy

The current approach to sustaining the economy by encouraging endless buying is not rational economics, but insanity. If humanity wants to go on living,...

A brief summary of the year 2021

As we approach the end of 2021, we try to take stock of the passing year and wonder what 2022 will bring. 2021 was...

Economic crisis and development potential

Inflation Inflation will not be long in coming. The economic crisis is at the threshold. There are all preconditions for an increase in prices for...

“Omicron? The worst is yet to come…

It's been a month since a new version of the covid appeared for the first time, the Omicron. According to the World Health Organization(WHO),...

New Year is coming up

The New Year is coming up, the most beloved holiday of all Russians. We prepare gifts for our loved ones in advance. We decorate...

Selfishness will destroy democracy

A Brief History of Democracy Perhaps one of the most notable phenomena of recent years is the decline in public confidence in the authorities. Whether...


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