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Tag: selfishness

A prophecy of a world without wars

In the book of the prophet Isaiah there is a famous phrase: "And they shall change their swords into plowshares, and their spears into...

Humanity is in the sandbox with toys and dolls

For thousands of years, humanity has developed selfishly, and today it is necessary to build relationships on a new basis, showing mutual support, responsibility...

On Saadi Shirazi’s poems at the UN headquarters in New York...

The famous poem "Adam's Tribe" is an excerpt from the poem "Gulistan" composed by the great Persian poet Saadi Shirazi in 1258. Today it...

Money-money-money-money beckons

"Men die for metal" / opera "Faust" / Yes, money has a satanic power to lure you somewhere. On the other hand, they have the...

The maturation of humanity: moving from selfishness to responsibility

Throughout the ages, mankind, like a child, has taken from nature everything necessary for its development and growth. This process, much like parenting, seems...

Civilizational dichotomies and the road to unity

The path to the unity of humankind lies in recognizing and overcoming inherent differences and conflicts with the ultimate goal of conforming to the...

Civilization and primitive instincts

Let's tell one thought-provoking anecdote about the development of human civilization. A survivor of a plane crash lands on an island inhabited by cannibals. These...

A better path to our inevitable global integration

It's time to actively utilize everyone's intelligence and interests for the good of society. To do this, it is important to identify the core...

The need to create a society with an ever-increasing spirit of...

To ensure the viability of the people of Israel, it is time to move toward a society with an ever-increasing spirit of unity. The current...

Unity is only the first step

It is clear to most people that the action that most energizes the terrorists and gives them fuel for war is conflicts within the...


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