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Tag: capitalism

Take it to the next level

Selfishness, as it develops in us, gradually reaches some edge that we must cross in order to rise to the next level. The double workings...

Slavery in the 21st Century

The topic "Slavery of the XXI century" on the air of the program "Alternative. Development. Integration". Our guest in the virtual studio is sociologist,...


Not long ago, fifty years ago, it was just a stone's throw away! - society provided man with a more or less coherent system...

The Age of Mercy

The theme of "The Age of Mercy" on the air of the program "Alternative. Development. Integration." Grigory Notkin and Tal Asher. Questions in the...

The bankruptcy of capitalism

Capitalism has demonstrated a magnificent ability to produce material goods. But he has one problem - he can't not produce. And a banker can't...

America is booming

Racism, discrimination - is it just America that is rampant, or the whole world? What can I, who was born in Central Asia, where...

Minneapolis area code

On the one hand, what is happening in the U.S. today is nothing out of the ordinary: race riots are a common thing in...

Where does the silk road of post-industrial society lead?

The Silk Road began in China and ended in Rome. From China to Rome came silk, porcelain and other Chinese wonders, and from Rome...

Why did the USSR collapse?

Introduction Mankind has always strived for happiness and wanted to build a just society. Attempts were made in the USSR and other countries to build...

30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. What has...

Thirty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, nothing has changed. The east-west border has been removed, but the chasm of alienation has...


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