Are thoughts material?


It’s easy to see how our moods change depending on our thoughts. For example, who are you thinking about right now – a nice or not so nice person?

Or our mood changes from our surroundings. Even when we enter a supermarket, we perceive a wave of the state of the people there.

Once in the zone of conflict, everyone has noticed that there is an inclusion in the emotion of the argument, but it is worth stepping aside or switching attention to something else, and the mood changes. This is the influence of the vibrations of a person’s thoughts and feelings.

There are people around whom pain goes away, suffering dissolves, and you don’t even have to tell them anything. They are kind, calm, pleasant, their power of kindness is so great that it dissolves negativity, heals.

I remember once arguing among friends, we did not come to a common understanding, and then we agreed to visit our mutual acquaintance. She was older than all of us and knew a lot about life that they don’t teach us in schools today.

It was evening, we dialed her number and were invited to tea. As usual, we bought scones and cakes for tea. The meeting passed without any mention of our past squabbles, a cloud of joy floated between everyone, the conflict evaporated on its own, the argument was forgotten.

At one point our acquaintance talked about the power of creation and goodness in everyone, that it was given from above for the good of all. And he who uses this power not for creation is a destroyer. She said that it is possible to find this power within oneself, from there, from the inner intention of good will always come a good solution – that’s how the rational heart works.

The years have passed, we are in different countries, many of us are no longer with us, nor is our circle keeper.

Whoever is looking for the answer to becoming happy knows that it is important to find a common wave of trust. Thus, building drop by drop the field of understanding, you can feel what and how exactly is worth helping your neighbor. Do we often think of the commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself”?

Nature always responds to our message, so the choice is ours. We need to learn to control our moods, thoughts, to be able to consciously change ourselves, our inner state.

When we give thanks and create, sages call this mood “attunement with Nature.

Science has come close to understanding the capabilities of the brain and continues to study the human being, discovering more and more layers of knowledge. Great books and articles have been written about it. It is known that new neural connections are formed in the brain of anyone who intentionally seeks to develop spiritually–they can be developed at any age–and that these connections are mirrored in like-minded people.

Later, once stronger, a strong group of like-minded people can influence the outside world as well. How wise are the folk proverbs: “With whom you’ll be led…”.

It is worth thinking about how important it is to filter information, to choose the environment, otherwise there is a risk of “scooping” into our brain and heart what can harm us. After all, we are beginning to realize that thoughts and feelings are material.

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