Is 2020 the worst or best year in world history?


American magazine Time called 2020 the worst year in world history. Is this the story of the year that you want to forget forever?

There have been worse cases in world history that have brought the world to a severe state. But most of those alive today, of course, have not seen anything like this. After all, to have an idea of the horrors and consequences of the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, we must be over 100 years old today. It was the Great Depression. There are also virtually none left who remember the horrors of World War I, when the “Spanish War,” famine and cold, mowed down some 100 million. man.

The world’s population was not prepared for scenarios of natural disasters, pandemics and suspicious political elections. People were unprepared for a little virus that turned the world upside down and killed 1.5 million people. man.

The biggest threat this year was a feeling of helplessness that was beyond any control. A lot of abnormal events fell on the head of amazed people.

The promises of some politicians did not come true, the virus did not magically disappear, America did not become great again. People were stuck in their homes, clinging to their cell phones and TV screens, from where the media was tearing society apart with lies and harassment. Journalists, who seemed to be supposed to defend their people, on the contrary, split them apart, so that it smelled like civil war in the air.

Many have lost their jobs, can’t pay their rent or mortgage, and can’t even support their families.

The year ahead promises to be particularly unpredictable, given such factors as the pandemic, the difficulties of economic recovery, and an unstable political environment. Impending hunger is the main theme of the coming year 2021! Due to the closure of borders and the lack of tourists in many countries, hotels, restaurants small businesses were on the verge of bankruptcy.

Environmental problems and the danger of natural disasters are looming over the earth. Recall the floods in the Philippines, Vietnam, and the Irkutsk region. Think of the terrible fires in Australia that raged for months, then in California, Russia, and elsewhere.

Perhaps we will remember 2020 as a good year because it taught us a lot. We bonded with family and friends, got to know our children, for whom there was always a lack of time. We have learned to pray for those who are sick and rejoice for those who have recovered.

When the museums opened, we were already looking at the paintings with different eyes. Looking at masterpieces by Titian, Michelangelo and Rembrandt, painted at a time when Europe was half devastated by the Black Death. When the restaurants opened, we enjoyed and experienced the taste of food in a new way.

We are going through a very difficult period, but look at what our predecessors did in the difficult years. They banded together and supported each other. And if we all pull together now, we can defeat both pandemic and famine.

Developed countries should share their surpluses and vaccine with countries in need, not for profit, but to defeat themselves, the virus, and their helplessness. To the virus, all people are equal. He spares neither the rich, nor the poor, nor the famous. We should learn lessons from 2020 and stop infecting each other with the viruses of indifference, anger, and hatred. Then we could learn sincere care, consideration, and participation. It would be a watershed moment and fill our lives with a whole new meaning.

Quarantine restrictions that seem like an assault on our freedom actually free us from the tight grip of consumerism. It is now, in the confusion of the crisis, that there is an opportunity to build something right, real, unbreakable between us. It is now that we are free for a worthwhile cause.

Perhaps we lack faith in ourselves. Perhaps trust in nature. Only in reality, these are just excuses. We have everything we need, and we can use the crisis as a powerful impetus for unity. Everything depends on us.

After all, one way or another, the future of humanity is in unity over all differences and contradictions, in the community of interests, in equilibrium. By engaging in this process today, we will save ourselves and the world.

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