How to stay on the wave of positive thinking


In our difficult times, it’s easy to lose your equilibrium. The media is full of negativity and television is full of aggression. Time is rushing by, technology is becoming more and more advanced, but man still has not learned how to control his thoughts and feelings. This is of great concern to scientists because an insensitive person is dangerous in his cruelty. What to do? How do you stay on the wave of positive thinking? Say, sometimes good music can quickly bring the emotions back into balance. But more important is to establish relationships with the people around you.

People stretch their hearts to those who are attuned to joy, to mutual understanding. Therefore, tired of the various troubles, people try to find relaxation with a pleasant companion, they want to hear a calm speech, warm words. And if there are no permanent friendships, then the person goes to a short meeting with those who simply and easily communicate, dancing. This choice he makes subconsciously, rarely consciously. Is it possible to find a way to own yourself and stay strong?

When a person is able to control his thoughts by making a choice in favor of good, then his actions change accordingly. Because the heart opens to love and becomes generous for kind words, for care, and for gifts. Thinking positively makes it easier for us to solve issues and problems.

Our strength increases next to those who love us, who wish us well. Conversely, we lose strength if someone around us demonstrates immature behavior, inability to communicate with dignity, makes foolish advances, is jealous, hurts, or constantly talks about his problems.

For many people the state of negativity is habitual, rash, they do not feel that they hurt their loved ones with careless words. Most of humanity is like an armed child in short pants; so what can we expect from such children?

Everyone intuitively felt that a thought with good intentions was different from a negative thought with sarcasm, irony. It is wonderful to communicate with conscious people, because their thoughts are deliberate, they choose words and tone not to hurt, but to support, to share their positive energy.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they encounter situations that make them suffer. Suffering seems to be a condition for human development. He often feels bad, despite the availability of all the material goods. What is an egoist missing?

The man forgot to take care of his soul. She feels bad because. the person does not allow it to develop, which leads to mistakes in the choice of means of self-filling, such as alcohol or drugs.

There are many who suffer, but few who have risen above the pain, experienced different levels of pain, and studied integral knowledge. This knowledge opens up a new world for man, where giving is the opposite of selfishness, from which one grows weary, giving is a state where strength is added.

Having understood the meaninglessness of any accumulation, having seen how limited life is without spiritual development, one finds an environment of like-minded people to work together to change selfishness into the completely opposite quality that is characteristic of the altruistic nature. This is possible in a community of understanding, where there is an intention of support, where people are protected from the evil influence of lies, from zombification.

Our thoughts are the power that changes space. That is why it is so important to understand with whom you can communicate and with whom you should not. Nature has no time to cleanse the earth of our uncontrolled thinking.

The integral approach explains that it is important for us to recognize our potential power and connection to nature and to begin to change by developing perfection in ourselves. Integral knowledge is based on the acceptance that our world is a system of unity between man and everything around: atoms, molecules, worlds, animals, plants, the entire universe.

By changing themselves, a person becomes more trusting, respectful of others, more reasonable. If humanity has spiritual values in the first place, then in a surprising way material gifts also come to the developed man, i.e. The boomerang of interconnection with nature responds in kind to kindness.

The more people who want to learn to live by thinking about what they want, by choosing the intention to think and feel positively, by protecting each other and nature, by creating a common field of good, the faster the world will change, wars will cease, and an era of shared happiness will begin.

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