What is the root of our problems?


The root of the problem

Man is originally selfish, and his selfishness only increases with time. His joy comes only from what he gets for himself or for his children. This is why one constantly runs into selfish people like himself. Everyone is busy taking care of themselves, but we don’t like this state of affairs. What would happen if we wanted unity with each person, with the plant world and with the animal world, i.e. will everyone put their whole heart into caring for the world?

To make it easier to imagine this unity, let’s try to remember the interaction of the constituent parts of our body. We understand that no body organ feels more important than the others. The brain does not argue with the kidneys, and the colon does not argue with the spleen. That is, egoism does not interfere in the overall process, it is a quiet observer of the process. There are simply no arguments, everyone performs their function for the common good. No one hurts the other, there is interaction in perfect harmony. This is what the most accessible example of unity looks like.

We are given a perfect organism to use. A high percentage of safety margin is provided, i.e. we have to do a good job of disrupting our own health. As soon as our inability to think correctly, eat right and take care of physical activity disrupts the rhythm of interaction between the organs in the body, the organs begin to malfunction immediately. So a lot of time passes, and then comes the disease. Unity is broken – the struggle for survival begins.

In the same way there is a violation of the ties in society, when we do not communicate well, do not protect each other from negative thoughts and actions. That’s why conflicts, quarrels, divorces, wars happen. For some reason we don’t apply the example of our body unity to communication between us.

Neural networks

Scientists explain that thinking creates its own neural networks. Habits are created neural connections, and we live in an inherently set program. To give an example, we can trace our reactions to various events – everyone displays the same emotions more often than not: one person reacts most often with resentment, another more often with anger and judging someone, a third is anxious, a fourth is light-hearted, and someone is sustained in his communication.

Most of our behavior is copying the emotional character of our parents and our immediate environment. More and more people realize that their personality is far from perfect, so they want to change themselves, to make themselves more perfect, i.e. correct.

Scientists have proven that the brain doesn’t care if an event is happening at the moment or if we represent the same event as having happened. The brain starts building new neural networks anyway.

Can we use this ability of the brain to fix ourselves? Scientists have confirmed that yes, we can!

The Way of Correction

Science today calls the quantum field intelligent. Scientists recommend acting on the principle of “like attracts like,” because. thinking attracts such events from the quantum field. It is necessary to imagine more often mentally the situation which will cause positive emotions, displacing gradually the past negative feelings. At the same time it is necessary to feel the desired as realistically as possible, without the slightest doubt, then the quantum field of mind will accept the task. Someone believes in his recovery and gets well, someone believes in his happiness, someone will just suddenly buy a ticket to a long-awaited meeting – and there will be money for it! In this way you can change the usual ways of thinking and change your personality and improve your health. Is it that simple?

Replacing habitual neural connections is a slow process, you have to be persistent. And the wheel of the universe turns slowly as well. Nature has her own calculations.

It’s hard for one person to change; it’s hard to be consistent, we’re lazy, often waiting for someone stronger to show up and help.

And the Universe helps first of all those who take care of the whole world, i.e. about other people, not about yourself. That’s why it’s worth finding like-minded people. The remediation process takes place in a group of students. People together can learn the wisdom of communication. Gradually they understand how to behave, how to work with their own selfishness and with the selfishness of the other person, because. selfishness does not like instructions. By reverently supporting each other, by connecting hearts, the group of learning interaction attracts a new state that is filled with the charge that participants have invested in their intention. The group accumulates the experience of new emotional experiences and develops compassion, which gives confidence in the path chosen.

Every little effort to reform oneself is not easy. The way of correction is to learn to rejoice in the happiness and success of the other person, to care for the other as much as you care for yourself and your children. By helping one another, by accepting the care of others with gratitude, we will surely learn to feel unity with each person. Our souls will be filled with perfect love, and then our natural state will manifest itself in a desire to love all beings, any person, even the one who has caused pain, because each person is a part of the common world.

Listening to the sages, you realize that when you change yourself, you should not expect miracles from the past-the past will change as a result of our development. It is worth trying to work with your thoughts and feelings. Already the smallest overcoming of yourself will fill life with amazing light, will present new opportunities now and also a new, interesting future. This exciting process of working on yourself overshadows other desires. For if we leave egoism as it is, its desire to get everything for itself will destroy the world and itself.

A good change occurs in the unity of good thoughts, the sincerity of feelings that create man in a new quality – without lies and rudeness, filling with high level love for the happiness of every person, every living creature, every blade of grass. Such a change unites with the perfection of the entire universe, so at the most unexpected moment will surprise, giving the right situation.

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