New Age Strategies

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Strategy for the future – what is it? What is it built of? Why, when faced with a crisis, do even the most successful strategies fail? The strategies of large companies are designed for the development and growth of companies, for the multiplication of profits of their owners, but not for the development and well-being of all employees. What is the essence of a successful strategy? In building a strategy, the leader (owner) must consider the interests of society and develop the company/business not at the expense of others, but for the benefit of all. Then everyone will be involved and interested in development. Everyone will feel needed.

During my working life, I have been lucky enough to work for several large companies that plan their activities for years to come, successfully developing their business and making a profit. I am now a freelancer. Going through numerous work meetings, global challenges, and ambitious projects-all things that seemed extremely important-I reflect on successful strategies. What is their essence, what are successful strategies? And why have they stopped working these days?

I still remember the “five-year goals”: to open 50 stores in the next year, expand the assortment, increase the company’s profits, and so on. To this we should add to the wear and tear of employees, constant stress and unrestrained competition between departments.

Today I drive past those very stores-absolutely empty, closed retail spaces with “for rent” signs-and I wonder: what about all those strategic tasks, important discussions and plans? What was all this for? Or for whom? And how do you build a successful strategy today that doesn’t drive people into a corner and bankrupt the company?

I drew several conclusions from my work experience.

  1. All “successful” strategies were built only in the interests of company owners and increasing profits.
  2. The motivation of the employees was different, but the demands were the same for everyone.
  3. In the pursuit of increased sales and global plans to take over the market, the human factor – the most important resource on which any activity is based – was most often lost.
  4. Corporate spirit is just a beautiful term, nothing more. A rare leader could create a true team spirit and a healthy work environment.

Until about five years ago, I would have agreed with these factors. However, current times show that past strategies no longer work.

We live in a period of global reassessment of values. Today, the main task of the enterprise is to take care of good cooperation and unity of the team. It benefits everyone: the manager, the team, and the consumers. A healthy workplace environment, built on the principles of good relations, respect, understanding and mutual support, is the basis of any company’s new successful strategy. This is the base that will give people motivation, allow the company to stand in the most difficult times and bring real success.

I would also add that strategies should be short-term and flexible. If something is not working today, together we begin to change, to revise, to improve.

I really hope that the new generation of leaders will act in the best interest of all and develop successful strategies based on what is truly necessary, important.

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