How to defeat the coronavirus?

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The coronavirus has caused mankind to freak out. Why was he the cause of the hysteria and the popularity of various world conspiracy theories? One hypothesis: the coronavirus has an artificial component that is unnatural for a biological species. According to this theory, the COVID-19 virus may have originated as a result of an artificial bacterium Cynthia, created by American scientists to clean up the ocean during the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. There are other fantastic hypotheses.

However, if we analyze this situation on the basis of the globality and integrality of the world, we can identify the causes that led to the emergence of such a virus.

  1. It is necessary to take into account the systemic nature of the world, the fact that everything in our world is interconnected.
  2. Mankind has forgotten the moral, moral laws, considering them an invention of idealists. And the moral law is as real and valid as any other law of physics or chemistry, such as the law of attraction. But the difference between the moral law and any physical law is that it is not visible, but the result and the fruits of its violation humanity sooner or later reaps. This is what we are witnessing today.
  3. Humanity, in its selfishness (the perception of itself as standing above the laws of Nature, of the universe), has violated the laws of the proper relationship between people. People have forgotten (they have not been taught) that we are all interconnected, like cells of one organ. And that Nature perceives us all as one entity, as one biological species. And we, each of us, act without regard to others, only out of our own self-interest, like a cancerous cell (only for our own good).
  4. The evolution of humanity (or the entire universe) has apparently not yet been completed. And we have all entered its new phase, where we are given a different role – more responsible not only for ourselves.

It looks like the world will not be the same after this pandemic. One comes to realize that Nature is an inexorable system with its own laws. And this system now formats the whole world, all of us (like a computer program). And we have to submit to its laws.

Rosa Konovalenko

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