Goodbye, old America!


America has literally been on fire for the past week. At first it looked like a protest demonstration. But since yesterday, Manhattan has become a scene of war: hundreds of demonstrators loot stores, the army marches in front of citizens, curfews are imposed in the central cities. Of course, politics, elites, and money are involved here. But it doesn’t reduce the intensity of the pain or the frustration.

America, you have done so much to blot out all the differences with black paint! You’ve already had African-American governors, judges, pop stars, and a president. OFicially no black person has any barriers to taking any position he chooses! And yet, there is no peace, no peace, no love. The gap not only remains, but deepens.

Being at peace and loving does not mean obscuring differences as if they don’t exist. It’s even better to leave everyone’s culture, language, and religion untouched. In contrast to what is accepted today, it is better not to cultivate dizzying competition, not to foment rebellion, envy and jealousy. And to use the differences between us as material to build bridges and interconnections. Under no circumstances should pride and arrogance increase. As it is written, “All trespasses shall be covered by love.

If there were no differences, there would be no basis for interrelation. The more such “transgressions,” the more love there can be. And America is full of all kinds of differences, and that’s what’s great about it. It could become a worldwide school for the study of the complementarity of different races, religions, and cultures.

After all, nature did not create us different, even opposites, for nothing. There is a special intention here, there is a purpose. Anyone who has investigated the laws of nature understands that there is not a single detail in it, not even the smallest one, that turns out to be unnecessary. There is nothing that should be removed from the world. So in trying to obscure differences in color or gender, people are, oddly enough, trying to obscure nature itself by blandly claiming that a terrible mistake has occurred. This is an irrational argument!

We need to accept the differences between people as a given, which we need to work on ourselves. And this work must be done just between us – in the one place where the solution lies. Let’s find out what love is and what it can do with natural data. We will learn to resist selfishness and foolish pride. This work can bring us closer together, each time revealing a new degree of difference and telling us how to move forward and improve our lives.

When everything around you is on fire, it’s hard to hear this important message in the information noise. Chances are, no one will stop the riots right now to hear our message, and if so, at least condemn the hooliganism, vandalism, and looting. Time will pass, this wave of hatred will subside, and everything will be “fine” again. But fate will strike again, harder and more desperately. Because people have not learned from bitter experience.

Perhaps then there will be civil war and many disasters-until the message reaches the heart. There he will encounter an integral methodology, ready to use and transmit the knowledge of our interconnectedness, which is above all differences.

Goodbye, old America, which we will never see again!

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