How to turn an enemy into a friend

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“We love people not for the good they have done for us, but for the good we have done for them.”

Leo Tolstoy

Everyone has enemies

Conflicts and quarrels are not uncommon these days. There is hardly a person who does not have enemies or envious people. Yesterday they were thick as thieves, couldn’t live without each other, but today they have become enemies. But over time, anger will subside and you want to return to the old relationship, to do everything possible to make an enemy again become a good friend.

“As the waters are face to face, so is the heart of man to man,” wrote the wisest King Solomon. The face you “show” to the water, it “shows” to you. Likewise, a person’s heart reflects his friend’s attitude toward him. If a person smiles at you, you respond with a smile, but if he looks at you with a sullen look, then you answer him in the same way.

Everyone dreams of having a true friend, who will always be there, and will not leave in a difficult moment. Is it possible to make a good friend of someone you call an enemy today? Many people find this task difficult, difficult and even impossible.

An acquaintance of mine had to solve a dilemma after her promotion: how to demand proper performance from friends and colleagues, with whom she used to be on the same level, close friends. Now they think they can relax and take it easy to meet the deadline and so on. Of course, there was friction. I heard some talk behind my back saying that she was “starry,” and I was offended.

Then she found a way out and just created some distance between herself and her friends. As a result, the relationship became “businesslike,” and work became more relaxed. Perhaps this is the price of growth.

“A team is a team, but you should always remember that only one person is responsible for the decisions made. A boss of any age cannot be completely “his guy” with his subordinates. It is necessary not only to correctly place subordinates in positions, but also to be able to help them, and correctly assess their actions, and set them up for the result.

Relationships in community organizations are different. If the leader begins to overstep boundaries, his subordinates may simply refuse to do the job.

The worst thing is loneliness

Love gives birth to life even in dry soil. Plant your seeds of love today and watch them grow into something beautiful. Of course, not every enemy can be turned into a friend. You may have to leave some of them alone, the way they want it. But to try not to be alone, without close friends –is worth it.

The worst thing in the world is solitary confinement. A person without communication can just go crazy. Loneliness is why people get cats or dogs and give them all their love, thinking of them as their friends who will never betray them.

Will the coronavirus help?

Everything passes, and so will the coronavirus epidemic. But so far so many are on self-isolation. It’s a difficult time, and they experience it in different ways. Someone increased physical activity, doing exercises or dancing to music. Someone decided to get creative, paint pictures or write poetry. And someone keeps doing their daily chores to stay in reality.

In general, society shows that it is able to cope with the problems caused by being forced to stay at home. But a person cannot be in isolation for long. The pandemic brought people closer together.

Relatives who hadn’t spoken in years suddenly became concerned, worried and praying for those whom they had hated as recently as yesterday. Friends who had been in conflict, when they found out about their friend’s illness, forgot all the hard feelings and began to communicate again, became even closer, because they learned the real value of friendship.

Why didn’t they try to reconcile and forgive each other earlier? After all, sincere prayer for enemies is able to turn people from darkness to light….

How do you turn an enemy into your friend?

Abraham Lincoln said, “I conquer my enemies by turning them into my friends. Despite Edwin Stanton’s best efforts, Lincoln was elected president of the United States and appointed his enemy as Secretary of Defense. The president’s associates tried to dissuade him: “Do you know the nasty things he said about you?” “Yes, but he’s the right man for the job,” Lincoln replied. Thus Stanton became a loyal friend of Lincoln and Secretary of Defense during the Civil War. At the President’s funeral, Stanton said that Lincoln was “the finest politician in the world.”

To become friends with your enemy, you need to discern positive qualities in him. He may not turn out to be as bad a person as you think. It’s worth trying to make contact with him, engage in conversation, ask him for a favor to do something for you. It is better to solve the conflict situation peacefully, with a frank conversation. However, the way out of this situation should be sought not only outside, but also inside yourself, in the depths of your heart.

The main enemy you need to make friends with and become his best friend is yourself. In order to make friends with yourself, you need to overcome complexes and your own fear, to find strength and begin to make plans and goals for life, to fix your desires. Choosing a good environment will help.

There are no enemies in the world

In fact, there are no enemies in our world. It’s just that because of our selfishness, we can’t come to a common opinion, constantly arguing, fighting, and killing each other over the truth, which is different for everyone.

Selfishness is the forces that are directed inside a person, in order for him to get what he wants for himself, to fill himself. And the forces directed to the outside world are altruism, giving back. To achieve a balance of the two forces, it is not necessary to destroy selfishness, it is enough to balance it with altruism.

Police officers in mixed neighborhoods in America give advice like this: If your neighbors bought a washing machine, visit them and teach them how to use it properly. Then, when you buy yourself a Mercedes, it won’t be set on fire or stolen.

A creepy, wrong attitude about ourselves sits deep within us because we don’t understand ourselves. We are in opposition to ourselves all the time – we are both for and against. And we can’t figure it out.

If all kinds of enemies rise up against me, I have to look for these properties in myself and correct them, and then they will be corrected on the outside as well. Therefore, it is said that the hero is the one who makes his hater a friend. I must see him as a friend, but not by accepting his terms, but by correcting his image in myself.

The ancient technique of “Love thy neighbor as thyself” will help to correct selfishness.

Abraham, one of the chief prophets of ancient Babylon, was concerned that the people in his state had become selfish, wicked, and difficult to control, and that they no longer understood each other. He came to the conclusion that the world is evolving because selfishness develops in man, resulting in mutual hatred and the desire to destroy one another.

People must recognize the evil of selfishness and rise above it-begin to govern themselves supra-selfishly. Those who can do this will comprehend the special methodology of supreme control of the world. Abraham wrote about it in his Book of Creation, which can still be found and bought today. Abraham gathered like-minded people from all over Babylon and began to teach them the method of supra-egoistic unification.

This methodology has been hidden for two thousand years because some of Abraham’s followers gradually moved away from the most basic principle of his teachings, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” to the point of mutual hatred. They were unable to form a unified whole with the other knowledge bearers of their mentor.

But it was a different time. We can no longer take advantage of selfishness. He used to lead us and help society develop and create economic and political systems. And now he’s become dangerous.

In the overall system of the universe, humanity is now a huge cancer, and egoism must not be allowed to continue to be the main driving force of society. Otherwise we will just destroy each other. We are connected to each other, and we are united not by the forces of good, but by the forces of evil. Moreover, today a third world war is brewing.

Many understand that we need to look for some way to help people get out of the crisis, overcome their differences and unite.

In other words, the time has come when people, for the sake of their future, must uncover the ancient methodology of how to love their neighbor as themselves.


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