Lessons from the prodigal son in today’s world

фрагмент картины Рембрандта «Возвращение блудного сына»
фрагмент картины Рембрандта «Возвращение блудного сына»

In 1668, the famous Flemish painter Rembrandt created one of the most amazing paintings, The Return of the Prodigal Son. This work of art shows the moment when the prodigal son returned to his father after a long period of promiscuous living and hardship. The son, wrapped in rags and with bare feet, stands before his father, who, unlike his older brother in the painting, meets him with mercy and love. The father hugs and kisses his son, dresses him in new clothes, and organizes a party to celebrate his return.

In our times, when families can break down due to a variety of circumstances, the story of the prodigal son’s return is a reminder of the importance of forgiveness and the possibility of reunion. Family relationships may experience difficulties, but reconciliation and mercy always remain possible and desirable. The prodigal son lost his way in life when, after asking his father for his share of the inheritance, he left home and neglected family ties and responsibilities. And now I’ve made the decision to go back to my father. He realized his mistakes when he found himself in dire straits and realized that even his father’s employees lived better than he did.

This story emphasizes the importance of genuinely recognizing your own mistakes and wanting to change your life. He returned to his father with a willingness to accept any status, just to be welcomed back into the family. The realization came to him that looking out only for himself, for his own interests, prevented him from understanding the causes of suffering in life.

Re-evaluating our values helps us to be open to changes and improvements in life. We all depend on each other and are in a common system. Everyone is part of this system, and if any of us stop caring about it, everyone just uses selfishness. And selfishness, as we see in the story of the prodigal son, ruined his life.

The father in the story symbolizes selfless love and compassion. He runs the system we are in and is waiting for us to return to our roots.

The prodigal son returned to his father, to his roots and values. It reminds us of the absolute necessity of staying connected to those values and people who are truly important to us. Returning to one’s roots can mean not only a physical return, but also an inner return to what is truly valuable.

So, the place to which the prodigal son must return is not only a place of physical residence, but also a place of spiritual and emotional return to traditional values, love and charity. This story serves as a lesson in inner transformation and a return to truth.

She can serve as an inspiration to those struggling with addictions. It’s a lesson that even after hard falls to the bottom of life, you can find support surrounded by like-minded people and begin the road to recovery.

In today’s world, the lessons of the prodigal son can be applied globally. The story described calls for respect for different cultures, religions and nationalities, and speaks to the importance of empathy for refugees and those seeking asylum.

History is also relevant in the context of the struggle for rights and freedoms. In today’s society, people can fight for their rights, and this story teaches us the importance of recognizing and respecting those rights.

Our life has a beginning and an end, and surely there is a goal that we must eventually reach. Things will get better and one will find inner peace and tranquility if one understands how to come into balance with nature.

The famous German psychologist and philosopher Erich Fromm said: “Man must develop his mind to understand himself, his relation to others, and his place in the universe. He must comprehend the truth in proportion to his limitations and his possibilities. He must develop the capacity to love others as well as himself and to feel the oneness of all living beings. He must have principles and norms to guide him toward this goal.

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