“Those eyes opposite…”

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What is the most amazing organ in man? There could be many different answers. I, for one, believe that the eyes.

First of all, it is the most important organ of the senses. Our brain perceives 90% of information through this amazing optical device.

Until now, the power of the eye is not fully understood and hides many secrets. For example, why do our pupils dilate twice when we look at someone we feel sympathy for? Or how do eyes distinguish between dozens of shades of gray? How can you focus on 50 objects per second? What colors do we really see and what colors does our brain mix?

Did you know that brown eyes are actually blue, but underneath the brown pigment? Human fingerprints have 40 unique characteristics, and iris has 256. But that’s not all.

I’m more interested in what the eyes are saying. Of course, you can understand a lot of things from facial expressions and movements, but it can also be played. The eyes, on the other hand, are difficult to manipulate.

Often when we look into another person’s eyes we understand their condition and can guess what they are thinking. Even scientists claim that the eyes provoke unconscious reactions in the brain – interesting and sometimes inexplicable.

The child can tell by the parent’s eyes whether they are angry or happy about their behavior. As he gets older, he understands whether they love him or not.

In everyday life, we encounter, for example, a cold, as if stabbing look and we understand that behind it lies rejection, rejection. It makes us uncomfortable.

Glassy, unmoving eyes are total indifference. It’s like hearing a reproach: I’ve said it all, what more do you want from me? There is nothing worse in a relationship between two people than seeing eyes like that. We know from our narrowed eyes that we are being mocked. So be it! It can even be useful. Red, enlarged eyes broadcast anger. It’s the kind of eyes you want to hide from. There is a look of evaluation, causing rather unpleasant emotions. It makes you want to shrink under it. Sliding – you just don’t get noticed. It’s very unpleasant to feel transparent. It’s like looking under a microscope-when they look at everything down to the smallest detail-very hard to bear. It makes you think there’s something wrong with you. The gaze, as if a hole were being drilled in you, trying to penetrate your innermost self, makes you want to reinforce your walls, not let them penetrate.

By the way they look at you, you can guess tension and wariness, distrust and disposition. And how to subdue a commanding look! Eyes can enchant and charm, can attract and caress, warm and soothe, conquer and fall in love. All this arouses certain emotions in us and – a response. Sometimes positive, sometimes negative.

Recognizing in the look of a friend or an opponent, we choose the tactics of behavior with him. And when two people unexpectedly meet each other’s eyes and a spark runs between them! – They understand each other without words and exchange thoughts through some invisible wires. And there is no one in the world closer than these two.

Try to look the person straight in the eye for at least a minute. Rarely can anyone resist looking away. What causes it? Are we afraid of something, are we shy, are we hiding something? Nevertheless, when we meet someone, we first of all look him in the eye. Why exactly do they attract like a magnet?

There’s a saying: “What’s in your mind is in your eyes. Yes, a man’s eyes can tell you everything about him. That’s why they are called the “mirror of the soul”: look in the eyes and understand everything.

Now imagine that we stopped thinking badly of each other, that we perceive everyone as part of ourselves – so without flaws, without faults, we see only the good. Then we can make eye-level contact, improve relationships.

After all, you can exchange a million words and still not say the main thing. You can look into each other’s eyes in silence and tell everything. If our eyes begin to radiate calm, tenderness, love, they will magically attract us to each other.

It turns out interesting – thought well of the person, the eyes reflected this state of mind, the look penetrated the person and attracted him. And now, already attracted to each other by this magic, people cannot tear themselves away from each other, continuing only to come closer and stronger.

Oscar Wilde said: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” I couldn’t agree more. Let’s look at each other in a kind, warm and sincere way and we’ll all be beautiful!

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