When the ideology of power rules

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The protests in Iran have not subsided for weeks, despite reports of hundreds of casualties. The determination of the Iranian people is admirable, as is their willingness to rise above fear. The Iranian people are a unique nation. The area where Iran is today was the cradle of civilization; spiritually, Iranians are highly developed.

The religious fanaticism that has swept the country over the past fifty years or so certainly does not diminish the respect for people in general. By channeling the country’s current awakening into the right direction, Iranians have every chance of becoming a prosperous and prosperous nation.

The current regime is fanatical and does not allow for the establishment of good neighborly relations with democratic countries. Even among enemies, though, there must be respect, which can be the first step to fostering intimacy.

If people are eager to get closer, but see that the differences between them are currently too deep to be bridged, they can start by respecting each other’s space, trying not to humiliate each other. And by trying to keep from expressing hatred, people will be able to think of more overt acts of rapprochement.

Relationships built on mutual respect can become even closer over time than relationships that did not have to go through the preliminary phase of building mutual respect.

However, when the ideology of force rules, when policy is determined solely by accumulated weaponry, it is impossible to reach any agreements, let alone develop mutual respect.

Where once the pope or king had the respect of other peoples or denominations, today there are no values. If the ruler has a bomb, he has no respect for anyone. The use of force has replaced all other values and brings nothing but destruction. And her victory is short-lived.

Today, power rules the ball. However, the possession of power means that the state may in fact be weak. Understanding this can cause people to renew their search for values.

As humanity has exhausted such values as the dominance of the clergy, the social paradigms of the right and the left, and as wealth and power also lose their appeal, people become ready for the only value worth pursuing: love for others.

Love for others should not be seen here as biological attraction, but as love as value, where people put the needs of the other above their own, because caring raises them to a higher level of existence.

The person who lives for others is constantly creating. The person who lives for others constantly gives and only in this draws infinite strength.

The seemingly endless energy of a mother caring for her young children is nothing compared to the capacity to give that a person who loves others possesses. When the ideology of power has been put to rest, then love between people will shine.

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