Why do we hide our state of mind from others?


Each of us experiences a storm of feelings and emotions every day. But if you look from the outside, we seem calm, in an even mood, not at all giving away what’s going on inside us. Why? What are we afraid of? Why do we hide our state of mind from those around us?

There are probably many reasons. But the main one is that we are afraid of not being understood, or rather not being heard. They will not understand our joy or sadness, anxiety or indignation. They won’t, because the people around us don’t care what happens to us.

This is often the case when people around you seem to listen, but do not hear, and one runs into a wall of indifference and incomprehension. Listening and hearing the other person is so important! Why else would nature have given us this wonderful hearing aid?

But there is another important problem – a person’s insecurity. He’s afraid of looking stupid, worried that they’ll make fun of him. This is a legacy from a distant childhood, when a child was constantly being yelled at for saying the wrong thing and the wrong way. The brain remembered it, because it remembers the negative much better.

It also happens that a person does not want to offend, annoy or suppress anyone. As they say, he tries not to add oil to the fire. Sometimes, of course, the time is wrong, and the society does not fit, and the environment is not suitable…. All this complex of reasons leads to the fact that a person closes himself more and more.

Wanders silently through the streets or sits imprisoned at home. He locks his heart in a barn door. And no one can penetrate it anymore.

Man has been awarded various epithets: upright man, intelligent man, talking man. I would be a little more specific – speaking and listening. Because he needs both equally. By speaking and listening, he is in contact with the world. Speaking and listening perceives himself and those around him, finds support and understanding.

Speaking and listening are two important actions that distinguish humans from animals. But he can carry out both of these actions only when surrounded by his own kind.

By showing respect and concern for one another, we will ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak up and be heard. In order to do this, we need to educate ourselves properly. To develop patience and co-sensitivity, to learn to empathize and to understand what you hear, not to interrupt and not to change your mind.

It is much easier for a person to express his thoughts if he can see in your eyes that you can hear him, if you take your time and give him the time he needs.

If we change our attitudes toward each other in this way, we will feel that it becomes easier and easier to open our hearts, that we become more and more sensitive to the experiences of the other person. That our hearts are softened and we understand each other’s aspirations with half a word.

Two great functions given to us by nature must work, or we will turn into animals.

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