On the possibility of nuclear war

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The idea of a world war is being muscled around by propaganda, and it is expected to be nuclear. The great thinker Baal Sulam, wrote shortly after the end of World War II that humanity had learned nothing from the past, that a third and even a fourth world war was possible, and that these would be atomic wars. It is clear that Baal Sulam’s ideas were not accepted then, and people thought that humanity would not dare repeat the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Likewise, it is obvious that people were wrong, and the possibility of nuclear weapons today seems quite real.

However, we do not think that humanity has completely forgotten about World War II. Even if nuclear weapons were used, it would probably not be a general nuclear world war, but more like a tactical weapon, and the horrific results of even one such strike would revive the trauma of the past. Hopefully, this will be enough to stop humanity one step away from annihilation.

In addition, people today are more aware that the root cause of our troubles is our division, the mutual hatred that infects people and nations. The notion that our survival depends on our unity, or at least on our level of solidarity, is gaining ground around the world. This, too, somehow restrains people’s passion for war.

In his writings , The Last Generation, Baal Sulam detailed why solidarity is the key to preventing World War III. Now that it has become clear that democracy, international agreements, treaties and sanctions are helpless against hatred. Perhaps people will become more open to trying the only antidote to self-destruction: mutual trust or, simply put, solidarity and unity.

Everyone understands that there will be no winners in an atomic war. We can only hope that the decision makers have enough common sense to keep this in mind before they pull the nuclear trigger.

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