The culprit of the war


A Tangle of Antagonism

When will the wars stop? Once again, the world has fallen into a tangle of antagonism that cannot be unraveled in the usual way. The contradictions between Russia and NATO have reached a maximum point. In between these enormous potential warring parties is Ukraine, which NATO and Europe are making the most of. That is, they want to use Ukraine to change the nuclear balance. But that’s not all. You can also add data on corruption and plundering of national wealth in Russia and Ukraine. And no one is surprised anymore. A cruel age, cruel morals. This tangle cannot be unraveled without identifying the main culprit of all these contradictions. This culprit can be called by one word: EGOISM.

It is because of him that, if you listen to each side, it turns out that they are absolutely right! Rights according to their own interests, their own benefit. But no one, absolutely no one, talks or wants to talk about the overall benefit. The overall benefit for all parties to the conflict. And this common benefit is expressed by long-forgotten wisdom: all trespasses will be covered by love. Why do we say that love will cover all trespasses? Why don’t we say: Love destroys all trespasses? And the answer is quite simple. We are all created with an added selfishness. Egoism sees nothing around it except its own benefit. And therein lies the main work of man on himself.

Our world was created for the purpose of correcting man’s bad desires for good. If people don’t want to work with them, it means they are running away from their main job: correcting selfishness for altruism. This means that they cannot transform the bad desires within themselves into good desires.


Selfishness in Service

We see that the world is powerless in conflicts between countries, especially if those countries are nuclear. In America and in Europe, ninety-five percent of the population refuses to send their children to settle world conflicts. It is not possible to strangle another country economically, either, because of interdependencies on many fronts.

On the other hand, after much anguish, after the shedding of blood, it will be clear to all peoples that the word unification between people and nations must be taken as the key to the only way out of the situation.

Unfortunately, we instantly deny the most important laws that came to us from the sages who comprehended human nature. The selfishness of our leaders and of each of us forces us to cover ourselves with words about “a homeland that expects exploits from its sons. But this is a late stage, a consequence of early misbehavior. So we have to call the pile of coffins that will be sent out by military commanders to addresses of residence the defense of the motherland.

In fact, the real defense of the homeland is called prior efforts to properly educate man on the basis of the laws of Nature and the sages who described those laws. This education includes an end to the plundering of the stash and property of the homeland, an end to nationalist chatter, and above all, a concern for the individual. About his proper upbringing.

What can we reap when, from childhood, we accustom our children to war games where the highest valor is virtual murder? Where does the media encourage Forbes-listed thieves and extol the plundering of the country as man’s highest achievement? True, they sometimes “leak” some of the thieves, but it is mostly those who have not shared with higher authorities and with the press itself.

The power of thought

The most powerful and sensitive weapon discovered today is the power of thought. Many scientists argue that we at the human level are intertwined in the same field, and just as there is an electric and magnetic force field and a gravitational field, so there are other force fields. We exist in a network of forces that bind us together.

The power of thought is enormous, and the space of its action is in the network of connection between us: one can think, and the other suddenly perceives a thought. One feels some desire in his heart, while the other suddenly opens it up. Therefore, if we think well of another, that other will take that thought and think well of you as well….

But is this law enforced today? People do the opposite. And the most damage they do to themselves is by participating in squabbles on social media.

The power of disgust and hatred that people constantly produce because of their selfish nature is destructive. Consciously or unconsciously, they radiate negative power. And the results unfold before our eyes: each one is full of pride, each one posturing toward the other, each one undermining the other. “Ridicule, profanity and insults on social networks have become a mass phenomenon. So, my friends, don’t be surprised and shout that a war has suddenly broken out. Who caused it by their actions?

On the other hand, we say that there is no money to raise us and our children…. I think that the funds that are now being spent on the war between Russia and Ukraine would be enough for these two countries for many years of educational process.

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