The world after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan

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This is always the way in history: ups and downs, ups and downs. Today, America is beginning to fall off the historical stage. It not only lost power over Kabul, but also lost the information war. The pictures from Afghanistan are in line with the video of September 11, 2001: planes and falling people, mass panic and the helplessness of Americans.

The ultimate goal of the intervention was to launch a new Middle East to join the democratic world. This has not happened; on the contrary, as a consequence, Afghanistan is now part of the belt of radical Islam. And those who had hopes that America, in offering an alliance, aimed at their prosperity were wrong.

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was a sequel of sorts for new generations who had not seen a similar exodus from Vietnam in 1975. America was “in its prime” then; today it is losing its former influence. Why did history repeat itself?

In the land of the golden calf, everything is tied to capital, and military victories require something more – purpose, spirit, unity. Just what America cannot boast of. In fact, every war ends this way for America.

Having become a haven for many peoples, America has not fused them together, but has only cemented them together with gilded ideals. Despite the ostensible patriotism, people have not become one people with a common fate, a common past and a common future. And when there are no people, the war is waged by money, not people. Therefore, independent American military sorties, despite their stated goals, in the end leave a void – financial and ideological. They fail to remake other people’s societies with their values.

All U.S. wars have been fought in foreign territories, without the need to defend its independence or its very existence. With someone else’s, it’s easier: you can take it if you want it, and you can leave it if you want it. Especially when it comes to fighting guerrilla formations, against which the Western regular army can do little. After all, it is as heavy and clumsy as America itself. The partisans know what they are fighting for, but the soldiers?

America’s external failures are caused by a lack of a genuine ideology – one that wins hearts. There are no clear objectives – only beautiful words. No good hopes, just empty promises. There is no vision of the future to strive for, to get to.

As for the talk of exporting and building liberalism, it is groundless, for there is no true democracy in the United States either. It may be formally proclaimed, but its spirit does not hang over the New World. It’s just customary there not to hurt, not to touch each other: “This is mine, this is yours.

American law is designed, first and foremost, to protect private property, personal inviolability. But what does this have to do with liberalism? No, it is only a partial protection of the individual from external intrusion. American principles are sacred, but when it comes to big money, the Taurus absolves all sins.

What does this indicate? America has no vision of the future – a clear and appealing picture of tomorrow. Having lost its course, the U.S. is hopelessly mired in a world crisis that manifests itself in different ways, but weakens everyone. And first of all, the strong ones. We are yet to see this process for ourselves. Afghan Islamists may seem primitive to us, but they should not be written off. They have their own thousands of years of history behind them, their own ancient foundations.

It’s a good time to think about how the world should go on. Real help is found in the overarching idea of vouchsafety and love of neighbor, and even more deeply in the one Nature that gave birth to the human race and develops it toward true unity. We must strive for inner unity now in order to find a good way toward reconciliation. We don’t know how much time we have left. A breakdown into hatred can be lightning fast.


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