A new phase of evolution

Moral Evolution

We are all used to thinking of the word “evolution” as the process of the development of nature by natural selection. But what is happening to us now can also be called evolution, but at another, next, higher level. This level is called the moral level.

What was there before that period? We have always lived in a state of competition. This condition rigidly demands consumer success and throws one into a lifelong race for a place in the sun. It is clear that one does not experience any happiness in such conditions. People become depressed, use drugs, and experience a sense of hopelessness.

Reprogramming for a different relationship

You can only get out of this state by changing the environment, reprogramming people to qualitatively different values. And these are the actions that Nature does to us. We have entered a period when we begin to see and feel that all problems of any nature depend on the relationship between us. It was as if we were separated from each other by putting masks on each of us and even distancing us by a certain distance. The kind of relationship that used to exist between people no longer works.

If we want to cultivate normal relationships, we have to change our intention toward other people. I have to think not how I can get infected by another, but to imagine that I am sick with a virus. And I do everything I can not to infect another. In essence, this is reprogramming. When I stop thinking about myself and start caring about others.

We often see government meetings on television. And what is logical – each member of parliament, speaking, does not listen to the other at all, ignoring the ideas of the previous speaker. On Facebook, we call such bots, who insert their own phrases, regardless of your evidence and explanations. And then you suddenly realize that they don’t read anything, and their main goal is to get you off balance. And how should we deal with the “servants of the people”? How can they even get anything right? How can we go on, if in all spheres – economic, political, social – such relations between people flourish – relations that say that he who has more rights is the one who is right?

“All trespasses shall be covered by love.”

As a rule, when we meet another person, we notice his shortcomings. And on these shortcomings a person builds his position in life. He must necessarily belittle the other, or else his ego will suffer greatly, and he will not be able to rise in his opinion of himself. So we should use the rule of the wise men, “All trespasses will be covered by love.

This principle tells us a different kind of behavior, where we do not put down a vis-a-vis, but look for positive points in him. And in no way do we dig into his shortcomings. That is, I find in the other those positive aspects that I love and with which I agree to connect. Then I expand the connection area to the point where I no longer notice its disadvantages, but only see the advantages.

And, yes, a person can come to that unity – to treat another well. So that there was not even a hint of hatred in my mind. Not to swim in the current of selfishness.

Real happiness

If a person changes his attitude to giving back, his concern for planet Earth will also change. He will stop squandering the earth’s resources and disfiguring the planet for the sake of endless acquisition and enrichment. Stop measuring your life by the level of superiority over others. One will rejoice, not for oneself, but for the common things that blossom between people. He will live in a good environment.

After all, true happiness fills a person only when he cares for others. He is not limited in this, and therefore the pleasure of this action does not fade or dry up.

Such a community is a gift to all. It is balanced, it is not threatened by incessant outbursts of personal, corporate, state, sectoral egoism. In such a society, the material approach gives way to the human approach. And then happiness becomes a natural consequence of our relationship. We just give it to each other.

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