A future without the Internet?

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In the future, we won’t have the need for an Internet connection. It will be replaced by internal sensory communication.

At some point in our development, we will feel the need to move from a virtual to a more internal connection with each other. When we feel a deep desire to be in a closer connection with each other-not virtually, but spiritually-then we will feel each other telepathically. This is the network that connects us, and we will reach the stage of our development when we feel this network.

We discover the telepathic network that underlies our connection through shared desire. Where can we see an example of this desire in our world right now?

To some extent it is present in mothers in relation to their children. Mothers feel a deeper connection with their children because of their natural love for them. On an animal level, a mother shares a common root with her child because of the process of pregnancy and childbirth. At some point the baby was inside her, and she a priori, naturally feels that connection.

How, then, would the desire for a deeper connection manifest itself in all people? It will appear within us as part of our evolutionary process.

Compared to the other levels of nature – inanimate, plant, and animal – we humans are evolving toward the possible discovery of our connection as a unified collective. We currently feel this connection at a lower level, in our selfish desires, when we try to profit at the expense of the network. At a later stage of our development, however, this desire will manifest itself differently.

On the one hand, it is an evolutionary process, but on the other hand, this transformation will very much depend on the people themselves. If the transformation is purely evolutionary, without our conscious participation, we will experience it as forced and painful. For this reason, we call this process the “evolutionary roller. This process has evolved us through pressure and pain for thousands of years.

If we want to progress faster, with more awareness, confidence and happiness, we need to learn how this evolutionary process works. Then we could anticipate the pressure to come, and our increased knowledge would serve us positively.

Then we would be comparable to an intelligent child who understands his parents’ and teachers’ requirements for him and then fulfills his responsibilities in advance, without the need for punishment.

However, the pains we experience in our development to feeling as one whole-connected being are not punishment. These are the cues we receive, whose job it is to move us toward the transformation we eventually need to undergo.

When we experience this change, we begin to feel our deepest connection to each other and discover a new, harmonious and complete existence.

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