Coming out of the pandemic with new people

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“When the worst of the pandemic passes and the world begins the hard work of rebuilding society and the economy, we will need to care more about nature,” believes Enric Sala, a National Geographic Society researcher. “Now our relationship with nature is ruined. We have deforested, overgrazed, built ports and roads, and rapidly expanded our cities while destroying countless natural habitats. At the same time, we trade wild animals and plants around the world as if they were inanimate commodities,” he adds. “A healthy environment is our best antiviral, and protecting it will help us get out of this pandemic and stop the next one before it starts,” the author proves.

Today, as we come out of quarantine and return to everyday life, it is worth analyzing what connection there is between our behavior and the coronavirus that has descended upon us. How should we act in accordance with nature? What’s the bottom line? What is to be feared, and is it worth it at all?

The pandemic showed us how dependent we are on each other. We went through a difficult period during these months, changed and changed in some ways our attitude to each other and to the world around us. However, we still lack the sense and understanding that each person is part of the world, part of nature. The person has a lot of power, often brutal, destructive, most often acts without regard to their surroundings. He tries to interact with nature (acting on the principle “after us the deluge”) without understanding and unbalanced with it, only with the desire to gain at the expense of others.

What could be the solution? First of all, realize that we live on one ball and we all depend on each other. To think, how do we live on it? Why shouldn’t we squander everything that comes from nature, but take only what we need? Speaking of nature, look at the essence of our relationships with each other-how can we make them better and bring them into balance? After all, in fact, why should a person hide from someone or something, to protect himself? It’s worth going along with nature, not fighting it or setting your own laws. It’s worth understanding that all of nature is global, integral. And this is how we must treat it – globally, integrally, including all of humanity.

The solution is for man to close the ecology with a beautiful circle. That is, to fulfill your role in nature by building a healthy relationship with all of its elements. In the end, the integral principle will give the most comfortable sense of interconnection with nature at all levels of development. And then with our attitudes toward each other, we can neutralize all viruses and emerge from the pandemic as new people.

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