What an economic aid program should be

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Governments of various countries have recently been adopting economic assistance programs for the coming year. After all, everyone now unanimously states that the coronavirus will not disappear from the horizon within a year. The current crisis shows that we will have to live in worse conditions than we do today. So what will help keep people out of work afloat?

An aid program in the form of money handouts is just compensation. We need a completely different approach to the problem. And would a one-year plan help? We need a plan for at least five years to plan and implement a program of real help. It takes time to reconsider where we stand, what the world to come will be like, what its basic occupations will be, what the nature of social relations in such a society will be.

Handing out money unfortunately ignores our future. We need a program that will make us stronger as we go along. So it is impossible to continue to act as if the world will go back to the way it was, that many businesses and professions will not go away, and to continue to encourage them. Alas, sometimes the holiday comes to an end.

What will happen to people after a few months at home on welfare? People need self-actualization! What will they do next? What jobs will they qualify for?

The real help is to realize the potential inherent in everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to study, promote and create different types of activities and initiate social projects. The main thing is not to let people rot at home. A person who is used to sitting at home doing nothing will not be able to lift a finger in the future.

And should the monthly stipend be called an “unemployment benefit”? Scholarship should be tied to a person’s advancement! Some may teach, some may train. Scholarship should accrue for regular participation in a training program that will teach and explain to one and all the circumstances that led us to the crisis. It is an introduction to the global nature of which we are a part, our understanding of the self-centeredness of man, which is contrary to harmony, the awareness of the fact that negative attitudes of people toward each other rock the system and cause various diseases. From there is a way to understand that we need to improve our relationships and work together to stabilize the system for the better. It’s a new job: to come together, to improve our relationships – to connect with each other.

When people begin to observe the laws of nature, it will be a tremendous advancement, both for citizens and for the state itself. So let’s reconsider the economic plan: everyone will receive a regular monthly grant – but on the condition that they integrate into an educational system that forms a new integral consciousness, broadens one’s horizons and does not allow a person to stagnate without realization. Such a program will help preserve our nation to ensure the good of everyone! Otherwise social degradation will begin.

That’s why only social association can help us! Quickly break away from the dying capitalist economy and move on to the next socio-economic system.

Without the implementation of such a social plan, the streets of cities will be filled with rage, desperate people will wander from corner to corner, families will collapse, and the younger generation will be doomed.

We are entering a new world that operates according to integral laws, and it requires a new form of relationship. So even a small improvement in the connection between us can radiate tremendous positive power that will lead to amazing changes throughout the world.

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