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The coronavirus pandemic is roasting us on a slow fire, turning one side and the other. Somewhere weakening, somewhere strengthening its presence, not allowing a return to the old way of life.

Every natural phenomenon – and the pandemic is certainly a natural phenomenon – has its own cause and pattern of development. It is therefore legitimate to expect scientists to make breakthroughs in curbing the disease. After all, all science is based on knowledge of the laws of nature.

And scientists are struggling to create a vaccine and an effective cure for the disease of the century, but this time without success. More and more epidemiologists are inclined to believe that there will be no cure or vaccine. At least in the near future.

So what’s going on? Apparently, mankind does not have enough knowledge of the laws of nature to find the formula for the right cure. Or maybe that’s not even the point? In the history of mankind there have been quite a few cases of various epidemics. But in addition to the efforts of doctors and scientists to combat the disaster, Nature herself came to the rescue. A collective immunity was developed, antibodies, and the disease receded.

And in today’s battle with the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that nature has stopped playing along. Or does it play along, but in a completely different way than before?

Nature is always on our side. It is we who are at war with Nature, and she raises us as little children – sometimes playing giveaway, sometimes showing her strength. And the purpose of her playing with us was and remains the same – to bring humanity to unity with itself.

But not on an animal level. As animal bodies, we are already completely one with Nature, we depend on it one hundred percent. We are required to become One Humanity in relation to one another. That is, learn to be sensitive to other people’s troubles and problems. Learn to take care of each other and be responsible for each other.

Exactly as Nature herself takes care and protects all her creations. If we realize what is required of us and start moving in the right direction, the pandemic will begin to recede. What about the pandemic, we will gradually get rid of all the problems that threaten humanity.

In the meantime, we are given our first simple exercise – to observe the rules of conduct during a pandemic. So far, we are not even capable of that yet. But nature is patient.

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