What is the basis of human health?

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We would be happiest of all if we could find the great root of evil in the empty wells of love” (A. Grigoryan).

The answer seems to be on the surface. You need to give up bad habits, exercise, and get a good night’s sleep. Occasionally do vaccinations, checkups, preventive care. But what about the nervous tension we experience on a daily basis? After all, many diseases develop precisely on the nervous ground?

Many of us have to fight our way to work in the morning, through traffic. There, still out of breath, get under pressure from the bosses and endure for hours. At home in the evening, after all this hell, to listen to the story of a tortured wife that she and her work is not a resort. On top of that, crying children will tell you that school is not a garden paradise, there are constant conflicts with other children and with teachers.

It turns out that if you live in constant conflict, your health is in danger. Can we live without conflict? All of human history shows that no, we can’t and we don’t know how. We are selfish by nature, each of us thinks and cares only about himself, and about others only to the extent of personal interest. So if we want to be healthier and happier, we have to work on improving the relationship between us.

Just imagine – everyone around you smiling, wishing you well, ready to give in, help, support. At home, on the street, at work. What a fairy tale life is! So why isn’t it there? Why hasn’t mankind created anything like this in centuries of existence? Governments spend money on anything but the creation, development, and cultivation of good, good relationships between people. It is not taught in kindergartens, schools, or other institutions. Yes, that’s what parents tell their children. But the child grows up and sees the opposite examples in life. In kindergarten, at school, he faces the fact that who is stronger is right. And stops trusting beautiful words, detached from reality.

Good, good relationships need to be built constantly, and, of course, not only in words – it is a permanent process, exciting and interesting, where you can see the result of the effort. It should become a habit, so that a person would treat others kindly “on automatic”. He must understand the essence of his nature and in doing so be able to prevent conflict, build good relationships, a good environment. We are used to solving problems from a position of strength, to be friends against someone, to eliminate competitors, etc. This approach will have to be discarded.

So, the foundation of human and social health will be the building of good relationships between people. Given that our nature is selfishness, the “great root of evil,” we need to learn how to deal with it properly without applying it to others.

For example, I find it hard to find common ground with people who have a different opinion, a different mentality. At times, they annoy me, I don’t want any connection with them. And if they also got in my way – I hate them, ready to destroy them. At the same time, I realize that it is thoughts and desires like these that ruin our lives. So I try not to vent my hatred on people, not to think bad thoughts about them, like freezing bad thoughts. I know they are there, I can’t get rid of them at all, but I don’t use them. Inwardly, I highlight the positive qualities in people, good examples. I don’t notice bad things, I don’t talk about them and I don’t think about them. Of course, it is not easy to perform such an exercise right off the bat, especially on your own.

That’s why we need the support of society, we need government institutions that will help people of all ages learn the techniques of such relationships. As illusory as it may sound, the very nature of the integral world and its laws push us to implement this technique. Selfish relationships have completely compromised themselves. Mankind has been on the brink of self-destruction for decades. So maybe it’s not so unrealistic to start exploring another way? Especially since we are not losing anything, and this project will not cost much. Much more money is spent on weapons….

Cheers, friends. Let’s be kinder to each other!

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