The Challenges of the Post-Industrial Era and the Psychology of the Future

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Today we are increasingly asking ourselves about the future. For mankind has been bombarded by a barrage of problems and challenges. The best sociologists, psychologists and philosophers write about the existential crisis of man and society. The best economists speak with one voice about the failure of economic models that have become obsolete in the twenty-first century. Thus, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, believes that “today, not only the economy is in ruins, but also the paradigm that prevailed in the market for many years before the crisis. More precisely, it should have been in ruins. The famous Russian economist Mikhail Khazin echoed his opinion, saying that “the model in which everything flourished in the mid-2000s will never come back. At least not in the lifetime of people living today. Because this model, which emerged almost 300 years ago as a scientific and technological progress, has reached a dead end.

Mankind has found itself in a systemic crisis, covering all areas of human activity. Man, after all, has realized all his exponential possibilities – and begins to ask eternal questions. It’s not just philosophers and thinkers who are asking themselves: “What is actually going on here?”

Broken windows of society

The disease of civilization manifests itself in a multitude of symptoms. The structure of the system does not function properly, does not maintain harmony and balance of all subsystems.

According to the “broken windows theory” D. Wilson and J., if someone broke a window in a house and no one put in a new one, soon there would not be a single intact window left in that house, and then looting would begin. In other words, clear signs of disorder and people’s failure to follow accepted norms of behavior provoke those around them to forget the rules too and behave in a piglike manner. The resulting chain reaction can quickly turn a “decent” urban neighborhood into a cloaca where people are afraid to go out.

As accurately noted Б. Rejabek: “The critical point determining the tragic situation in which our planet finds itself today is the deepest gap between the technical capabilities of man and his moral development. “

In order to understand today’s dramatically changing world and to suggest new approaches, it is necessary to know:

  • What changes do we need to go through and why do we need to go through them?
  • By what means will it be necessary to transition to the new state?
  • Can we see our present state as prenatal, where the mother who gives birth to us is nature: both our internal and external, which presses us to reach a new state?
New laws of the old world

It’s about the laws of our interaction with each other and the world around us. It is necessary to learn the psychology of human relations in the new world. After all, if I know human nature and we know how to establish a relationship between us, we can build a prosperous and developing society.

In nature, everything is connected to everything, so we need to get closer to nature and be extremely careful with natural systems.

In relation to the rapidly changing world, people today need to develop a system of values, to build their life plans and ways of achieving them. After all, a constant increase in the number and level of complexity of problematic situations in which a person must, under time pressure, make decisions and be responsible for their implementation and consequences.

The inevitable consequence of this state of affairs is a constant increase in the proportion of problematic situations in which one realizes that one does not have the necessary level of competence to solve them positively, productively. Such problems affect more and more spheres of human activity, forcing people to seek outside help in establishing harmonious relationships with family members, raising their children, solving problems of social interaction with friends and colleagues.

That is why pathological addictions (to drugs, alcohol, games, etc.) and depression spread with great speed, reflecting a person’s recognition of his powerlessness in the face of life’s problems.

More and more often, people are unable to find an acceptable solution to their domestic, family and psychological problems, and are doomed to develop a depressive syndrome or attempts to escape from reality in virtual spaces, in alcohol and drugs, in sectarian organizations. Behind these negative tendencies is a fundamental problem-an individual loses confidence that his life has meaning.

Today, new knowledge and skills are required, many of which must be developed by oneself, as the generation of parents and teachers followed different routes. In the problem of building a positive image of the future and determining the path to it is the main challenge of our era.

Tasks of Future Psychology

The psychology of the future faces the following challenges:

First, it must present a conception of internal human development that responds to the new circumstances that require adaptation to the global problems and challenges of the compressed time of the post-industrial era;

Secondly, it should expand the understanding of the human psyche and social interactions, and try to provide answers based on the results achieved by the integral methodology;

Third, it should outline the long-range perspective of humanity’s development and indicate the ways and methods of man’s inner growth, to outline the ways of his perfection.

The basic tenets of integral psychology

In order to begin developing a methodology, it is necessary to take as a basis several postulates that we have written about more than once in previous works. So here I will give them briefly.

1.Nature always behaves as a whole, not as a collection of heterogeneous parts.

2.Every psychological or social event takes place in the context of the whole world as an organism. To understand the functioning of any part of the body, it is necessary to discover the laws of functioning of the whole body.

3.A psychologically healthy person is united, coordinated, integrated. Unhealthiness can be caused by adverse interactions with the environment.

4.Human development is the process of revealing innate potencies. It is assumed that harmony is inherent in nature. It is believed that the body, if allowed to develop optimally and in the appropriate environment, will come to develop a whole person, while malignant environmental influences can lead to psychological and social problems.

5.The individual is motivated by one main motive – self-actualization: the individual constantly strives to realize his or her potential.

6.The environment and interaction with it is a decisive factor in human development.

Let us dwell in more detail on the last postulate.

The decisive factor of the environment

In 2007, Christakis and Fowler began publishing the results of their research in prominent British medical journals, turning our understanding of the role of environment in human life upside down. Human interactions are the most important influences that shape our lives. In choosing their social circle, people find themselves embedded in vast social networks and experience not only the direct influence of friends, but also the impact of those whose existence is not even aware of. Everything in our lives is determined by our position in this network.

In 2005, Dan Buettner revealed to us the secret of longevity. The reason lies in the relationships in society. For example, in Okinawa, different generations of families live together, and older people actively help raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The social connection with the whole community of long-livers infects, or rather, charges a person with their positive energy. Therefore, it is society that can guarantee a long and happy life.

We all want an environment where warmth and good relations prevail, where we are taught to unite, which brings confidence and allows us not to be afraid of troubles, the suffering of pride and other problems inherent in human nature. Therefore, the psychology of the future should focus on the development of a good environment that provides fertile ground for a person to grow and develop.

And then he will be able to develop, gaining the ability to perceive and absorb without feeling constantly in a defensive position, in a hostile environment. It’s like a baby in its mother’s arms who feels nothing but her. It is only this feeling that gives it the power of development.

The reality of integral generation is that people will see all the connections between the many parts of nature. The understanding of these relationships will change. When this interaction unfolds in its entirety, one will see a three-dimensional picture that will answer all one’s questions. These relationships are like embroidery: on one side is a beautiful picture, but on the other side are knots, and if you cut them, everything will fall apart. That is why people today, without feeling interconnected, are estranged from each other.

The new vision will change attitudes toward all the people of the world from contempt, hatred, alienation, rejection – to love. By love you mean caring for your neighbor as your most related person.


The task of psychology of the future is not so much to find ways to alleviate the symptoms of contemporary psychological and social illnesses as to find the roots of these illnesses, and to provide the individual with an environment and integral methodology – the means to help in the sea of problems to find the road to finding the higher meaning of life and its realization.

Through this technique, a person can learn from the difficulties in his life situations, not by withdrawing from them into suicide, depression, and drugs, but by making peace with himself, with his true nature. For every crisis holds the seeds of growth, a chance to review one’s behavior, to stop and find out what in one’s busy life is the source of suffering.

The goal of integral psychology is to lead people to self-purification, to help them better and deeper comprehend themselves and their environment, to understand their own nature, to understand the importance of higher values in life, and to harmonize their lives.



Vakhromov E.E. Psychological concepts of human development: Self-actualization theory. Moscow: International Pedagogical Academy, 2001.

2.Vahromov E.E., Asher T. Psychological crisis of our time.

3.Kommoner.B.Closing Circle. – Moscow: Hydrometeoizdat, 1974.

4.Christakis N., Fowler D. Connected by the same network. M.: United Press. 2011

5. Lightman M., Khachaturyan V. Prospects of the XXI Century:Birth of an Integral World.URSS. 2013.

6.Rejabek. Б. V.I. Vernadsky’s doctrine of the Noosphere and the search for a way out of global crises.

7.Stiglitz J. A steep peak. America and the New Economic Order after the Global Crisis.


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