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Ребекка Кабат

Журналист, публицист, постоянный член клуба "22 век"

How to rediscover the child in you

We all have an inner child. Some are happy and joyful, some are frowning and silent. Why? The inner child is a part of our subconscious, it is responsible for the memories and emotions that we experienced in the womb and in early childhood. The more love, attention and care we received immediately after birth, the healthier, more balanced and...

There is nothing supernatural about telepathy

Perhaps all of us have had at least once in our lives a moment when we knew exactly what the person we are talking to is thinking, as if we could read his thoughts from a distance. The ability to read minds is a person's ability to sense the energy of those around him, which is expressed in a...

In Pursuit of Happiness

"Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life. Omar Khayyam Everyone wants to be happy. Most people consider it the main task of their lives. But what is happiness? Everyone understands it differently. For some people happiness is financial prosperity, for others it is mutual love and children, for some people it is gaining fame and universal recognition. People...

Music that brings love

A recent study by a team of French neuroscientists offers new insights into how our brains generate the "goosebumps effect. The study involved 18 people who reported feeling "goosebumps" while listening to music. Researchers found that the brain triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with positive emotions and well-being. Some scientists suggest that music plays...

How not to be afraid of fear?

The pandemic, the quarantine, the lockdown, all of these things have not only endangered the human mental state. New fears emerged and old fears intensified. The media fixes them in the mind and scales them. When will the next lockdown happen? What will happen to the economy? Who should provide security? These and other questions many of us are...

Where to look for real happiness?

Even before Christ, philosophers were trying to make sense of happiness. Does real happiness exist, or is it an illusion? What does it depend on? Is it attainable? Having searched through encyclopedias, I found this definition. Happiness is a philosophical category that implies an ideal state of supreme satisfaction with life. Happiness is contentment with oneself (according to Aristotle). Since then...

How not to fall into the trap of toxic positivity?

Recently, especially under the influence of the pandemic and everything that follows, positive or humanistic psychology has become very popular. As is known, the development of psychological science began with psychoanalysis. The founder of psychoanalysis was the outstanding Austrian psychologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. The theory of psychoanalysis made it possible to apply the effective method of psychoanalysis in the...

Why we need generosity today

Recent scientific research has proven that the capacity for compassion and generosity is originally encoded in the human DNA. Magnanimity is a basic function of the brain. Research by Leonardo Christophe-Moore and others, published in the journal Social Neuroscience, says that "the fundamental driving force of humanity lies in actions for the good of society, stemming perhaps from a...

The Great Power of Gratitude

"There is no greater dignity than the gratitude of the heart," Seneca once said. Have you ever thought about that? Thanking someone for something, we say it automatically because our parents once taught us to say the "magic word." If people really knew its true power, they would put as much soulfulness and goodness into that word as possible. It has long...

The Game That Changes Lives

Our whole life is a game! Basically, we play from birth to death. But we do it, in general, unconsciously. What if we started to play consciously, to create the world as we would like it to be? If the thoughts with which we create our world were turned into actions? Can you imagine - a person is sick with...


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