On the brink of a new era

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There is a reason for the apocalyptic talk so prevalent these days. The threat of a Russian-Ukrainian war turning nuclear, the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant becoming the center of controversy, rising tensions between China and Taiwan with the active participation of the United States, the constant threat of North Korea to use nuclear weapons-all this and much more gives the alarming feeling that the world is on the brink of disaster. Less catastrophic, but still very painful processes take place. Inflation in the U.S. and Europe is skyrocketing, accompanied by recession. And the unstable, brutal climate only makes the situation worse.

These crises occur simultaneously because the world is really on the edge. We are entering a new era in which our former self-centered way of life will become obsolete.

We are moving from an age of selfishness to an age of such complete connection and interdependence that selfish thoughts, much less selfish actions, are unacceptable. We will have to, first of all, learn to be considerate of each other and, ultimately, to take care of each other. People will not be able to find another way to interact other than caring for others, because otherwise the world will not survive.

The new world will be a much better place. On the contrary, it will be a world in which everyone is responsible and takes care of everyone else. A world where we don’t have to take care of ourselves because everyone else will do it for us. It will be a world without violence, war and crime. The only crime would be inattention, selfishness.

No doubt these words seem fantastic today. In fact, we’re a long way from that. But revolutions of this kind do not happen overnight; it is a process, and we are already well versed in it.

We are talking about this now because civilization is already on the brink. We must begin to become familiar with the concepts and rules that will govern our lives in the future, because the sooner we learn them and begin to live by them, the smoother the transition will be.

If people resist the trajectory of the world’s evolution, the threatening situations we see today will materialize. If we accept these changes, however, they will happen smoothly and pleasantly. I hope we choose the latter.

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