The Secret of the Alpha Generation



We decided to talk about the “Alpha ” generation, the most mysterious and unexplored one. To begin with, it is worth remembering what generations preceded him.

In general, the idea of dividing humanity into generations by time periods belongs to William Strauss and Neil Howe.

What was it for? In order to trace trends of upswings, inflation, defaults, economic spikes, stability and instability, comfort levels, the emergence of new professions or the disappearance of old ones, the needs of the population, and so on.

What is the point of this analysis? The fact is that every 20-25 years people are born whose worldview is not similar to the beliefs of their predecessors. And the main task of the study is to explain to us the reasons for misunderstandings between people with an age difference of about a quarter of a century, to find ways to communicate with each of them.

The baby boomer generation

Let’s not go back too far. Let’s start with the post-war baby boomer generation. After World War II, there was a worldwide surge in the birth rate – hence the name. People of this generation witnessed the confrontation of the ideas of socialism and capitalism, the launch of the first satellite, man’s flight into space, the Cold War, repression, etc.

All these events have left their mark. People believed in a brighter future and were willing to work tirelessly for the good of the state. Because of the constant overwork, they had little time for their other halves and children. Therefore, their time period had an elevated divorce rate and their children grew up on their own, being raised by the “street.”


But let’s move on. X-Generation. These are the peers of those who are 45-65 years old today. Having learned from their parents’ mistakes, they drew certain conclusions and fundamentally changed their views and priorities. They are also characterized by an increased ability to work. However, they were ready to spend all their time and energy on work, but not for the benefit of their homeland, but for their own and their family’s well-being. The main task of Generation X is to give their children everything they did not have: good clothes, higher education, a car, an apartment, and everything that will help them feel comfortable and independent. “The X’s do not believe in help from the state, relying solely on themselves. They like clear timelines and boundaries in life and work.


The generation born in the years close to the millennium are the Millennials, or so-called “Igreks. This is the spoiled generation – children who were provided with everything they wanted. They are in no hurry to get a job and start a family. Because there are parents who will provide until their child finds his niche. So “why rush off somewhere?” when you can do self-discovery and think quietly about what you would really like to work as. “The Igreks are the first generation to be able to handle gadgets and modern modes of communication. They are interested in big salaries in their work. However, in addition to money, they also need individual accommodations suitable for their temporary comfort. For example, a remote job with a free schedule.

“The Zetas.”

With a very small time gap they were replaced by the Zetas. Unlike all previous generations, they are not interested in money, expensive cars or apartments. They are a kind of nomads, reasoning that “attachment to all material things is no good. Why buy a house when you can rent an apartment, or a car when there are cabs or carsharing? For them, the material or financial indicator is not important. Almost no interest in anything except youth hangouts and events that allow you to experience new experiences in life. For example, traveling or regularly updating your gadgets.

Alpha generation

Generation Alpha

Well, here we are, the Alpha generation. They are only 6-10 years old today. They are extraordinary children. The very name of the generation is consonant with the elves, isn’t it? These light spirits of nature, mythical beings serving their gods and nature, born after 2010, are really the new “humans”, with their own unique traits and tasks.

These are children who learn digital language from diapers and are easy to handle all kinds of gadgets. It is up to them to create a symbiosis with artificial intelligence, to master full digitalization, and to live at the speed and capabilities of the computer mind.

Today you need to process massive amounts of information and sift out unnecessary information per unit of time. But it is possible when the information is kept to a minimum. Therefore, the favorite format of broadcasting “alphics” is the picture. Without text or with grains of text. And the format of perception is clip thinking. But there is a huge disadvantage here – the inability to focus on one particular problem, to work through it in depth and draw conclusions. That is, children-Alphas have a reduced function of synthesis and analysis. Large texts they can not do, they do not finish them, fleeing into the clip space. At the same time, communication skills almost disappear. They do not communicate in real life, they prefer to communicate in networks.

Another problem faced by Alpha children is the manifestation of emotions, or rather, not manifesting them.

We are not born with the ability to understand emotion. We learn this through communication, through live contact with real people. We learn to recognize the emotions of others and, as a reaction to them, our own emotions. We also learn how to manage them. And how can you control something you’ve never seen? Who will teach this unusual new generation to rejoice, to be sad, to be offended, to love? How does an “alfik” know that someone likes him or that someone likes him? Are they in danger of being emotionally impoverished?

The first lessons in the development of emotional intelligence a child gets from parents, on the playground, in kindergarten and school. But even there today the number reigns. There is even a new term, “innate digitality.

Parents, educators and teachers, understanding the need to develop the emotional sphere, already in the toddler groups “talk” to the children about all their feelings: what just happened? How do you feel? Are you angry? Why? How else could you respond?

That is, it’s already our job. Hard, persistent, sometimes thankless.

But. It is easier to cope with an emotion when its manifestation has not yet started, but only when we are familiar with it. We make the great mistake of deifying the Alpha-children. But, on the other hand, you just have to understand, accept and not break.

The Secret of the Alpha Generation

At this stage it is the most unexplored generation. They are called saviors of mankind, great diplomats, creators, futurologists.

They have erased temporal and spatial boundaries. Because with the help of the Internet, “alphas” can communicate here and now with people who live on any side of the world. They have no attachment to their native country, they are loyal to all races. Already by school age, “alphas” have had time to visit at least five countries. So they easily accept the fact that people of different nationalities live on earth, and this is normal.

“The Alphas were born in an era of environmental crisis and global climate change. Therefore, genetically they have a sense of creation rather than destruction. And they intuitively feel that it is their responsibility to use natural resources wisely, to restructure the economy, and to save humanity.

“The Alphas clearly know who they are, what they want, and what they came into this world for. You will not be able to impose your point of view and values on them. Freedom of choice and respect for their opinion are very important to Alpha children, they do not tolerate pressure and violence.

So how do we treat them? What to get interested in? How to direct to the right action? How not to ruin the potential of this unique child and not to turn a bright personality into a gray mouse?

Let’s start, of course, with ourselves and try to understand them. They need to feel that we accept them for who they are. What we admire about them is that they are such creative, enthusiastic and self-sufficient individuals. We should be comfortable with their critical thinking, perseverance, and free-thinking.

Be honest with your child. Alpha children appreciate sincerity, and are good at sensing falsity. They absorb information at the speed of light, so we have to filter it out and make it useful. Learn to listen to your child and answer his questions as succinctly as possible.

And last, but most importantly, love him! Love forever!

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