Love and hunger rule the world

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The report “The Hunger Virus is Multiplying” reports that conflict remains the main cause of hunger after the pandemic, leaving more than half a million people in conditions comparable to extreme hunger. That’s six times more than in 2020. In all, 155 million people worldwide are now hungry.

There is no abundance in the world. It just seems to people. In one day everything can be empty. All these big superstores, malls – everything could disappear in a flash, and there would be nothing in the world – not even something to wear, let alone something to eat.

All it takes is a little panic, and everything will skimp, and everything will fly away at once. Such a scenario is possible. I.F. Schiller, followed by M. Gorky, captured this wisdom: “Love and hunger rule the world. To love will come, but only through hunger. And if they had come to love sooner, there would have been no hunger. When people realize that it’s not hunger that’s the problem, but lack of love, then that will change.

In order for us to become seriously aware of life’s problems, or rather our own problems, we must simply ask ourselves the question: What must we change in ourselves so that nature will treat us differently?

In order to do this, we need to change our attitude toward others. Then nature will treat us differently. That is, if I love others, with some kind of participation I will still try to block out my ever-growing selfishness, in which case nature will treat me differently. I have to show nature that I desire a change in her attitude toward me.

It is enough that a person understands why nature pressures him so, and will want to change. He is required to say, “I want to.

A man can’t change himself in any way! But to realize that he has to change, yes. And to realize that it depends on his request to nature is also a yes. This is where our development is headed.

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