Family or career? How to prioritize?

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What are your choices? Family or career? Lately, more and more women are choosing their careers over family and children. What comes after that? Loneliness? Let’s try to figure out why it happens. A single answer to this question, of course, can not be found, but still worth digging deeper and look for the root of the problem.

I know many women in their 30s and 50s who do not have and do not want to have a family. And each of them has several higher educations, and they continue to study and develop. All are good-looking and very well-groomed, self-sufficient and make excellent money. But are they happy? Can work and career advancement give a woman as much happiness as a family can give? I think there can’t be an unambiguous answer here either, because everyone has their own priorities.

Yet since the beginning of creation, women have always been the keeper of the hearth; it was women who gave the world new life, peace and harmony. And if women now choose something else, the opposite of what was created for her by nature, then something is wrong in this world. So the whole world, all of nature, is in disharmony. So the woman subconsciously feels that the world is no longer a safe place in which to give birth and raise children.

In fact, it’s not just women who don’t want to have children. Men these days are also less and less eager to start families. So many people prefer to live with their parents until they are 30 or 40 years old, on everything, without any responsibility for anyone.

Now let’s see what causes it. So:

  • lack of time, when a person does not know how to plan their time,
  • Fatigue, when virtual communication replaces live communication, because a person is so tired at work that he simply does not have the strength to go somewhere,
  • just laziness, when a person doesn’t even want to build any kind of long-term relationship and take responsibility for it,
  • the example of parents who failed to build harmonious family relationships,
  • egoism, when people want to live for themselves and deny themselves nothing.

You could find a few more reasons, but here I have given the most basic and common.

In today’s world, young people prioritize education and career, travel, and the acquisition of material goods. Even that is no longer satisfying them, though. Young people increasingly begin to ask themselves the question about the meaning of life, looking for an answer everywhere they can, and in most cases they cannot find it.

A new term, singleton, is now in use. This is a person who deliberately chose to be alone and enjoys his choice. And alas, there are more and more of them, both men and women.

Therefore, it is very important to create a program of integral education that would teach how to properly connect opposites – men and women – because in their very essence they are completely opposite to each other in everything.

Integral education is the education of integrity, harmony with nature in all its manifestations, including the harmony of family relationships, when a person consciously, with joy and love creates a new family, not afraid of the responsibility and effort that must be put into it.

You have to have a goal in order to have something to strive for. This goal is to reach the next, higher stage of existence, where our selfishness turns into altruism, into giving back to our neighbor, and the family is a likeness of a higher system of nature. Then there will be harmony, joy and love in the world, and everyone in the world will fulfill his or her purpose.

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