Death Virus or Love Virus?


Let’s try to figure out what is the cause and purpose of the coronavirus. For this purpose, we offer a series of articles in which we will analyze all news related to this natural phenomenon.

Everything in nature is relative. Regarding the person who perceives any information from the outside inwardly. If he listens only to himself, then within his egoistic nature he will see the whole world as something bad, irrational, imperfect. If one learns to hear others, to take their opinions and desires seriously, one will see the full picture of reality, that there is nothing wrong or crazy about it. There is a cause-and-effect relationship in everything, everything is logical, everything is for the good of man.

The UK government has signed an agreement to experimentally infect volunteers with a coronavirus. In this way the researchers assume to establish to what extent viruses can infect humans. This experiment, called the Human Challenge, will be conducted on a voluntary basis. Up to 90 people are expected to attend. According to the study organizers, it is possible to limit the infection to a smaller number of volunteers, just to confirm the fact of infection with a minimal amount of viruses, and then to begin vaccine trials. The project will start in 2021 for a period of 2 to 4 months.

Of course, this is not a free event; volunteers are promised payments. As noted by experts, participants in such experiments usually receive about 4 thousand pounds a month. The government has agreed to allocate more than 30 million pounds sterling for these tests.

One of the volunteers said that he was not afraid of getting infected with COVID-19, that such an experiment is better than getting infected at an unexpected time, such as at work or accidentally on a walk. There is a sense of security – to be under the constant supervision of doctors who will monitor the condition of the patient; there is confidence in their care and protection.

Peter Openshaw, co-chair of the Human Challenge Consortium at Imperial College London, when asked about the ethics of such an experiment, replies that it would be rather unethical to refuse such an experiment if everything necessary for the research is available. According to him, this will help study the virus, accelerating the development of the most appropriate vaccine. The situation in the country is very difficult, so he expresses the hope that there will be minimal risk for volunteers, but a huge benefit for science and medicine, which will close the question of ethics.

For all the optimism of these opinions, we cannot ignore the fact that to date there is no specific cure for an unknown and dangerous virus. Plus, the experiment will be conducted on people – accordingly, the psychological and mental state of the person may change during the test. The patient’s condition can be influenced by both overt information about his condition, blood tests or nasal mucus secretions, and covert information.

A person is able to worry internally about anything. If you talk to him honestly and directly, he may get upset that things are not as expected. If he’s not being frank, he’ll be upset that something terrible is going on and it’s obviously being hidden from him. If you half-hide the information, it will still worry that he will die. This is because our nature is egoistic, we are created to doubt everything, to ponder and test everything through our own logic. And people do not have a single logic, everyone has it individually.

The second thing I find interesting about this news is that man is a social creature. If all 90 people are going to go through the trial together in one unified community, empathize and support each other, that’s a good thing. And if they are resettled one by one, separated from each other? Or what would the experimenters do if the subjects were all together, but began to indoctrinate their “unhappy friends” with passions and impose their states, experiences, and feelings on others? Then fear, envy, anger, and competition can manifest. Those who are strong in mind and spirit will successfully advance, while others will simply give up and prepare to die. After all, it is clear that now, before the experiment begins, they are all inspired by the bright optimism of the cash reward. Won’t they regret it later?

It is also important to consider that a person has legal rights that will oblige doctors to give freedom to someone who changes his mind halfway through the experiment. Otherwise he might die of fear and hopelessness. After all, in addition to infection and treatment, there is a new vaccine to try out on yourself. And what if, as a socially active person, a test subject were to post his negative opinion on the Internet and thereby undermine trust in doctors, the vaccine, and medicine in general? After all, society is now heated to the breaking point. How sensible is it to conduct such experiments?

All in all, in my opinion, things are not so simple with this experiment.

I can’t deny that in England the daily increase in the number of those infected is simply breaking the record of each day that has passed. England sent the citizens under lock and key. Londoners complain in interviews that they are losing their hands, that despite the fact that everyone is in the same position, the business is making one loss, and it is internally devastating. There is also the opinion that it may be too late to do anything about it.

Based on this news, I can understand the essence and purpose of the aforementioned study.

If you think in terms of the laws of nature, there is only one remedy for any country, any nation, to get rid of the coronavirus. It’s about building a good relationship with each other. Constant positive thought about each other can dissolve this virus. The more people with positive intentions, the greater the effect on the virus. The coronavirus appears on the ruptures of our good, nature-like bonds. He is a consequence of our negative thoughts about others and our lives, of anger and hatred. When we don’t hear each other, when my opinion is more important than everyone else’s.

Nature is only designed to give something to man. And we have to be able to get it right from each other. It can be useful advice, constructive criticism on the case, or just information or a situation. After all, it seems to us that everything around us happens by chance. But nothing is accidental. Each perceives from the environment specifically for him the information he needs. Once we learn not to rush to immediate conclusions, our attitude to everything will begin to change. To think of everything in a positive way, to remember that we are going through a kind of quest for proper reactions and good relationships. This is what will help us cope with any misfortune. It is our only salvation and a way out to a new, harmonious level of life. Our task is to live in joy, have a strong immune system and confidence in the future.

What do you think of this experiment, friends?


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