Two campsites and one boat


The feeling was that people were divided into two camps. One half believes that life will no longer be the same, that the foundation on which the world was built has collapsed, and that more turmoil lies ahead. The other half stubbornly maintains the view that we all just need to calm down and try to get things back to normal.

Which camp do you belong to?

I really want to get things back to the way they used to be (take off the mask, don’t be afraid of being out of work, start planning a regular vacation in September). But something inside tells me that nothing will come of it. This is simply because, while world events used to happen here and there, singly and at great intervals, now they have taken on some kind of global scale. Every day the situation becomes more heated. The world is perceived as a sick organism, where the organs begin to fail one by one.

Do you have that feeling too?

Everywhere you look there is uncertainty about the future. Options that used to work become very shaky. Patterns of action worked out over the years no longer add up. It was as if we were all in the same boat, caught in a very narrow opening. There is a great treasure in our boat – health, the economy, the education system, a peaceful existence, after all. And no state can figure out how to squeeze in the right way so the boat doesn’t crack.

This summer is like the calm before the storm, don’t you think? And if we make one wrong move now, the boat will be blown to pieces.

But, apart from the treasure, there is something else in this vessel. People.

Exactly people, we all – different views, nationalities, religions, beliefs, ages. Each of us wants to keep something from this boat. But one thing we don’t understand is that the boat is one, shared. Which means we have only one option – to set aside personal needs and begin to act to preserve the common good.

Therefore, there is only one way out of the two camps – to rise above all our contradictions. To try to understand that only by uniting, by accepting each other, by rising above all hatred and rejection can we get out. And then everyone will benefit.

Nothing else will work, only our combined efforts. No good change can happen where people can’t agree among themselves. So we all need to learn to act for all of us as soon as possible.

What do you think?

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