The work of the future is a concern


Today, when the world is gripped not only by the fight against the coronavirus, but also by an endless stream of riots, pickets and demonstrations, and the economies of countries are in recession, everyone and everyone is concerned about how to make a living in the future. Consider the evolution of the labor market using the example of the Soviet and post-Soviet period, with the transition to today’s global and integrated world.

Work in the USSR

Once upon a time there was a powerful, rich and diverse country, the Soviet Union. The system of human upbringing was built in such a way that from the moment of birth a person went to a nursery, then to kindergarten, then to school, then to higher or secondary school, after the end of which he was guaranteed a job. This meant an 8-hour workday with a wage and bonus, plus a social security package: state-owned apartment, weekends, vacations, vacations, children’s camps, and a pension. The possibility of career growth, movement from one position to another, and transfer to another location were assumed exclusively by fiat. It would seem that life is good and life is good!

But there was a flip side to this coin – total control over a person’s life from the moment he was born to the organization of his funeral. If there was a “divine spark” in someone, called talent, it was encouraged, but strictly in fulfillment of the state order. It was especially difficult for the creative man, he sold his work on commission, or had to emigrate to other countries. Scientific, pedagogical, and technical people also had a hard time, because. ideology (Octobrat – Pioneer – Komsomol – Communist) was massively infused into the mind of man, turning him into an obedient puppet, ready to give himself, his life and his dream for some standard benefits. That system lasted 70 years and collapsed.

The Doldrums of Unemployment

After that came the period of the “wild 90s,” when the old laws no longer worked, and the new ones were not yet in place. Some might call this time a period of free sailing, while others might call it a period of chaos and confusion. Everyone amicably forgot about work, people were preoccupied with politics, they were constantly watching TV with great anxiety and hope. At the same time, those who were taller and thinner, closer to the state trough, were actively introducing the privatization of all state real estate, including land, and were actively using this innovation.

From that point on came the division between employers and employees. Of course, it was a shock, and people didn’t immediately accept such rules-where there were no rules. Accordingly, unemployment, drunkenness, desperate and riotous life grew. Fractured into many neighbors, the state hastily organized a system of coupons, coupons, to somehow feed the population that was necessary for the formation of a new independent state. And some people realized that the legal way to make money is not the way to make money. Any, even questionable business has become a prestigious occupation, and the relationship of a person to any gangster group provided him with a minimum, even if unreliable, but security. And it seemed that there was no end to this hopelessness….

Implementing a computer

The darkest night is before the dawn. Of course, the beautiful, mighty people of each sovereign state, along with its new status, gradually began to acquire a new state ideology, to get used to the system of private business and market relations. To work in a prestigious company was a matter of pride: a clean office with office equipment, a business dress code, slicked-back hair and glasses, and… voila! – A finished employee with a degree, but without knowledge and qualifications. And those who are so unlucky with the “right connections” – go to the working professions.

At the same time, the spread and use of mobile devices and computers began to grow. Many universities, schools, and courses were opened as a matter of urgency. That is, we now have an assortment and choice. But all a man’s life boiled down to was to go and work! And the man worked. Working hours at each enterprise were determined differently, no social guarantees were given, and there was white and black bookkeeping everywhere. Nevertheless, everyone wanted to work and earn.

Internet Time

Following computerization, the World Wide Web – the Internet– appeared almost immediately and began to proliferate. He burst into our lives and became the embodiment of everything that was in the idea of man beautiful and bright. The man was greedily absorbed, fascinated and amazed by all that was going on “behind his back,” where he himself was not. One’s desires grew in him, he really wanted to get to those wonderful lands that opened up on the browser page, to try those dishes that the Internet enticed him with, to do things he couldn’t do before. And bright dreams of doing good for people began to turn into dreams to save money, and everything he saw and wanted from the Internet – to realize.

The person’s job was the same, the undesirable conditions at work are the same, but there is already a desire and aspiration for everything that the Internet promises. This is where the new trend in society appears – to earn a lot and fast. People went to earn money for what they did: some became lovers and lovers, proudly displaying their relationships. The beauty industry began to grow. Boys began to take the example of girls to make it easy and simple to make money with their bodies. Others went to learn new types of professions: forex and commodities trading, advertising, marketing, sales, network marketing, all types and levels of management. There was a lot of work, and it became possible to earn money abroad. But people were becoming less and less interested….

Before the pandemic

A person has developed and learned how to make money in several areas at once: to rent something, to work officially somewhere and to moonlight on the Internet doing something. A huge number of people through business and personal growth courses have learned and are no longer afraid to open their own business, hire employees, grow and expand. They began to gain freedom from the state and to reckon with it for everything. The man has already allowed himself to drive a nice car, fly to countries and seas, try many delicious and exotic things, post evidence of all of this on social media and show a big smile and fun at the same time. Borders and countries began to disappear in man’s mind. The world has become integral and one whole, fitting in the palm of a smartphone.

If you look at what was going on inside him, it was constant stress. Stress from countless flights and trips, stress from constantly pressuring bosses, colleagues, and fulfilling the plan, on which the salary depends, stress from the endless dissatisfaction of the spouse, stress from the failed “onion in a post,” inadequate commentators, oppressive fake relationships with friends, a car that demands money, the irrepressibly growing desires of children, an example for which he himself became. Dissatisfaction with the state also grew.

The time of coronavirus power

And suddenly out of nowhere it came – the coronavirus. Quietly and calmly brought everyone back home from all the trips, put them all in their homes, took away their jobs, their entertainment, took away all the things that were becoming causes of stress. All people turned into one person with the same thoughts on everyone. One fear gripped everyone, one question roused everyone: what was going on, how to be, and how to go on living. The state has taken on the main role of guarantor here, that everything will be fine. It began to take care of the man, politely and gently asking him to stay home, promising some kind of compensation in return. The man calmed down and settled down at home.

Some, on the other hand, had to work in the sweat of their brow to save the lives of others. This is a real period of exploits and heroism! One began to feel that the meaning of life was to be useful, necessary and important to someone. I saw with my own eyes the price of life and death, learned how a great tragedy turns into an ordinary statistic.

These are the days when coronavirus is waiting at every turn, and you have to work, because The state budget is not rubber-stamped. Emergency services that require highly qualified specialists have always been, are and always will be. And the rest awaits a new future – remote work at home.

The benefits of working from home

Benefits. First, there is no point in renting huge and expensive offices. Even inexpensive and small ones. All meetings and arrangements are online. The Internet has gained new value by showing the benefits to human life. Today, almost every small boutique and store has its own page in social networks, and large businesses have moved to its site and are active, lively trade through online stores.

The next advantage is the closeness of one’s own family when one wakes up and realizes that one does not have to jump up in a mad rush, sip hot coffee, get dressed, warm up the car, or run to the bus stop to get to work. This is the same time he can invest in his family relationships: make a delicious breakfast, cheer everyone up in the morning, talk over tea, distribute household chores among all family members.

Another advantage is saving money on travel and lunches. You can be creative and cook yourself whatever you want. By far the largest number of views of YouTube videos are cooking channels.

Saving travel time is another advantage. Thanks to the advent of video communication can just spend time with friends, online cafes began to open. Many people began to buy fitness equipment and devote time to sports. It became free time to take online courses for self-discovery and acquiring new professions. You can water your flowers, feed your fish and pets, do creative work. And for all that, to be at work and to work! After all, at work in offices a lot of useful time is spent on tea and smoke breaks, the endless and useless conversations about everything and nothing. Time becomes man’s greatest treasure.

Professions of the future

Today, accountants, lawyers, all consulting firms have moved to online services, education has moved to online, banks have moved to online banking, cash has become conditional, everywhere payment is accepted by credit card. All of this can easily be replaced by a mobile app. The number of jobs is dropping en masse. If a sales manager used to make calls to clients in the office and go to meetings with them, today it is no longer useful to go to a meeting with those who work from home. Managers are replaced by a beautiful and stylish website, where a potential client can find what he needs in peace and quiet.

Working professions began to be replaced by robots or computer equipment, and restaurants with robotic waiters even appeared. The availability of 3D and 4D printers simplifies the process and eliminates the human factor. Beauty salon services are shifting to take-home services, or at home. In industry, the extraction of natural resources is greatly reduced. The production of airplanes and automobiles dropped sharply. Agriculture will obviously get a new lease on life. Megacities and large cities will begin to lose their importance. The empty offices and buildings are more likely to be used for housing. There will be growing dissatisfaction among the world’s people for various reasons, plus a total lack of desire to work, and a lack of work itself.

All in all, it’s going to be a big change in the labor market. The global pandemic will show which professions will be important and needed. It is the sphere of services within the essentials, security services, saving human life and health, the sphere of production and sale of food. Because of the climate crisis and the transition to a green economy, ecologists and biologists of various fields will be needed. The most in demand will be the development of digital technology and communications.

But the bulk of people will find work in the field of care for the psychological state and spiritual component of the person. To adapt to the new conditions of life, you will need human support. Laws will change with concern for the individual. One position will be divided among several people. This will cut down on some of the person’s appetites, and the work day will only last 3-4 hours to give the other person a chance to earn as well.

Only by thinking of each other, by caring about the lives and well-being of others, can we both survive and reach a higher level of development for all of humanity. Where there will be a decent place for everyone, there will be food, shelter, comfort and prosperity in everything. We can work together to solve common problems and share common joys. This is the meaning of man’s life and his harmony with his environment.

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