Groundhog Day. How do you wake up?


Few people today think deeply about the future. Even on the contrary, the older a person gets, the more he is immersed in thoughts of the past, trying to remove himself from those pressing problems that need to be solved in the near future. It’s as if he’s falling asleep in his illusions that he’s doing useful and necessary things. It’s Groundhog Day.

A person lives an ordinary life, goes to work, goes to the store. At home – family, TV, computers, smartphones. Everything you need for a simple existence on this earth. Meanwhile, time passes and life comes to an end. And sometimes it feels like I haven’t even begun to live yet. It was as if joy was passing by, and he was like a guest at someone else’s party. And looking at others, sometimes you can’t tell that they are happy with themselves, their country, their environment and their position in society either.

At times like this, the question arises: What is the purpose of all this? Who needs it? Is it really possible to change something, to somehow influence one’s destiny and the world?

Then the person starts looking for answers from other people. He turns to religions, practices, magic, meditations, and other things. Satisfied with the answers, he gradually forgets where all these questions come from, from what depth of human consciousness and what scale they are.

These questions come from human nature itself. From the depths of the human heart. This is a problem for all of us. It can only be solved together, holding hands, helping each other not to forget and not to get lost in foolish pursuits in this world apart from the need to develop in a good way, forming in ourselves a wise man, worthy of something greater.

All power is in unity. We forget that. You need to make room in yourself for the possibility of living life to the fullest in harmony and balance with others. To study our nature in depth to see how we behave with each other. It is necessary to be included in the common natural process of development and to build the future on the principles of unification and integration.

A new upbringing is able to expand our senses because we are growing out of the old framework and it puts pressure on us-just as children grow up and clothes become too tight for them.

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